CSC Electronics Installation and Commissioning Oct ‘06 19-April-05 CSC Electronics Installation and Commissioning Oct ‘06 Fred 13-Nov-19
19-April-05 CMS Schedule The schedule has been presented elsewhere – present again to point out significant events for Electronics Installation USC55 6-Oct -- Racks and safety available 6-Oct – Ready for PC’s in farm Oct-Dec -- Phase 1 >> Sub-detector crate installation in racks and individual sub-detector commissioning ( no detector ) Jan-March’07 -- Phase 2 >> integration of sub-detectors ( no detector ) 7-Jan’07 – Mini-DAQ and USC control room installed UXC55 Oct-Jan’07 – Lowering of YE+3,2,1 SX5 Nov – YE-3,2,1 moved to alps end of building against wall 13-Nov-19
EMU Electronics Installation 19-April-05 EMU Electronics Installation Would like to have Contact person for electronics installation from each EMU sub-system List of what will be installed Some idea of necessary prerequisites from CMS and rest of EMU Why All of CMS needs to meet the IMB requirements for labels on all hardware pieces Need inventory, db listing, and labels on each piece BEFORE it can be lowered on disk OR installed downstairs Need to coordinate efforts from all Need to schedule and/or prioritize different activities need the same resources or geographic area 13-Nov-19
Have so far … Need similar list from each EMU sub-group 19-April-05 Have so far … Need similar list from each EMU sub-group Need complete list Need existing names and serial numbers 13-Nov-19
SX5 Now through ‘start of lowering’ After ‘start of lowering’ 19-April-05 SX5 Now through ‘start of lowering’ Upload all +Z electronics into Equipment Management DB Required by CMS before lowering Working on getting installed PC Electronics in now Also need HV, Gas, etc. Continue I&C on –Z PC Portable test stand Need ‘only’ - wall power, network cable, access to PC After MTCC >> Remove MTCC electronics and racks and set up all plus disks for lowering After ‘start of lowering’ -Z end will move at some time, when? How much space will there be around and between disks? Expand scope of I&C with portable test stand Include more ‘fast site’ type tests Move ‘slice test’ to –Z ?? Lower priority than underground activities 13-Nov-19
UXC55 After lowering +Z (after Nov ’06) 19-April-05 UXC55 After lowering +Z (after Nov ’06) Install and commission ‘missing’ PC’s Install 4 bottom racks Test – using portable test stand Need wall power, network cable, access to PC Need 2nd test stand? Revisit other PC’s Repair any possible damage Install any missing hardware Retest – using portable test stand 13-Nov-19
UXC55 cont. Begin FULL installation and commissioning Install 19-April-05 UXC55 cont. Begin FULL installation and commissioning Install LV, CANBus, HV, Gas, …. Initiate ‘slice test’ type setup underground Need USC55 Cables from USC55 <-> UXC55 Schedule is dependent up Utilities Cable installation and cable chains 13-Nov-19
USC55 Prepare Racks Install Crates Install boards & Commission 19-April-05 USC55 Prepare Racks Put in rails, patch panels Can start almost immediately Utility services not finished Install Crates Wait to start until after ‘many’ other sub-detectors have installed theirs Cleaner more stable environment Install boards & Commission Sometime … 13-Nov-19
USC55 Rack Layout Lower Floor - USC55 From TY Ling 13-Nov-19 19-April-05 USC55 Rack Layout CSC FED Racks CSC FED Crate CSC HV Racks CSC Track Finder Rack Lower Floor - USC55 From TY Ling 13-Nov-19