Nottingham City Council Sport and Physical Activity opportunities
‘Why Weight Nottingham’ signposting opportunities Sport and Leisure will work with ‘Why Weight Nottingham’ to ensure a smooth process for signposting relevant clients to the following range of programmes and initiatives to support physical activity participation and wider holistic positive health gains
Free self guided short walks from ½ mile to 3 ½ miles Measured in steps to help promote 10,000 steps Packs available to download from Arboretum Queens Walk and Victoria Embankment Bulwell Hall Park Southglade Park Clifton Playing Fields and Central Park Victoria Park and St Marys Rest Garden Forest Recreation Ground Wollaton Park to Martin’s Pond Lenton Recreation Ground Woodthorpe Grange Park Melbourne Park
Outdoor Gyms 23 outdoor gyms across Nottingham All free to use and suitable for all ages Mixture of cardiovascular and toning stations which use own body weight as resistance Full list of outdoor gyms can be found on
Free 5km timed walk, jog or run every Saturday morning at 9am Forest Recreation Ground and Colwick Country Park Led by volunteers – promotes positive mental health
Orienteering 7 City parks have been mapped to help combine map reading skills and physical exercise whilst being able to enjoy the natural surroundings of a park Maps can be downloaded from Arboretum Southglade Park Bulwell Hall Park Woodthorpe Grange Forest Recreation Ground Wollaton Park Colwick Country Park
Table Tennis Ping! Nottingham provides free table tennis opportunities across the city in popular city locations Free table locations include: Wollaton Park Woodthorpe Grange Park Harvey Hadden Sports Village Lenton Abbey Park Nottingham Tennis Centre Clifton Playing Fields Ken Martin LC Bulwell Hall Park Nottingham Playhouse More information can be found on
ParkLives Healthy Lifestyle project
What is our main objective? In a nutshell to go from this…..
What is our main objective? To this……