Document Organization
Documents Organization Permanent Records Binder
Management’s (Treasurer/Church) Responsibility Management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the financial records in compliance with standards set by the Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. This includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal controls relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial records that are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor’s Responsibility The Auditor’s responsibility is to conduct their review in compliance with standards set by the Florida Conference of Seventh- day Adventists. Those standards require that we plan and perform the review to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial records are free from material misstatement.
Bank Statements and Reconciliations Keep the bank statements together with the reconciliation in a separate folder. Discard after 6 years
Monthly Folders for Backup Documentation (Receipts) Keep a monthly folder for backup documentation for every disbursement (payment) made from every bank account. These may include, but not limited to: Receipts from stores Board Minutes approving a payment to an individual. Receipt from individuals paid for services performed at the church or school. Invoices Payroll – Time Sheets Discard after 6 years
Permanent Records Folder Keep a permanent records folder for: Form 1096 and 1099’s issued for the year. Insurance documentation for Church and vehicles Renter’s Liability Insurance when renting the church premises. Music License Tax Exempt Certificate Employer Identification Number (EIN) letter Payment plan with Conference office Once the audit is conducted, transfer the permanent records folder documents to the Permanent Reports binder. Keep permanently!
Tithe Envelopes Bundle week tithe envelopes along with the count sheet and the bank deposit slip. Clearly identify the week on the outside of the bundle. Bundle the four or five weeks of the month together. Keep in a separate box. Discard after 3 years
Evangelism Report Submit copies of your Evangelism Report and receipts to the Conference office by the deadline of December 31st. Keep the original report and original receipts in a separate folder. Discard after 6 years
Church Board Minutes Keep a separate folder for your Board Meeting Minutes Keep in Permanent File (Treasury Copy Only)
Permanent Records Binder Keep all your Financial Reports in a separate binder to keep forever. Include, at a minimum, the following reports organized by month: Financial Summary Report Account Journal Contributions Report Add a year tab Once the audit is completed, add the permanent records folder documents to this binder on a separate year tab after the December tab. KEEP FOREVER!!!!!
Documents Organization KEEP FOREVER DO NOT SEND TO AUDITOR Financial Reports Binder KEEP FOREVER Send to Auditor Permanent Records Folder DISCARD AFTER 6 YEARS IF ALREADY AUDITED Monthly Folders – Receipts, Invoices, Etc. Evangelism Folder Board Minutes (Treasury Copy only) Bank Statements and Reconciliations DISCARD AFTER 3 YEARS IF ALREADY AUDITED Tithe Envelopes Permanent Records Binder
Keep your Permanent Records Permanent Records Binder Do Not Send to Auditor Send to Auditor
Questions? Need more information? Please feel free to contact your auditor: Nancy Enriquez-Strassburg 407-754-5184 Yolanda Acevedo 813-716-0653 Laverne Tavarez 954-558-9863