SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION Outgrowth of the Renaissance Questioning attitude / challenged traditional ideas Desire to know and understand more about the world Stressed the use of logic and reason to make life better Determined that laws of nature govern the universe
An intellectual movement of the 18th century which Challenged traditional authority , and encouraged the improvement of society through reason. It began in France and had it’s greatest impact. Ideas spread rapidly to United States and Great Britain. 1. It was opposed by Nobles and Church. 2. It was supported by the Bourgeiosie.
II. It was related to the Scientific Revolution because: A. Natural Laws governed human life 1. man is naturally free and equal 2. all men are entitled to the natural rights of Life , Liberty, Property. B. Problems could be solved by following the natural laws and using Reason.
Voltaire (1694-1778) “Voice your opinion” “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” Defender of Free Speech Believed people could govern themselves Supported natural rights Fought against discrimination and intolerance
Rousseau (1712-1778) “Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains” King gets the power, but must protect the rights of the people King will act in their best interest Social Contract: People will give up some rights for the common good. General Will determines common interest
Montesquieu (1689-1755) “Power should be a check for power” Mon-tes-quieu : 3 syllables = 3 branches “Power should be a check for power” Supported the division/separation of powers Wrote Spirit of Laws Against Absolutism Encouraged the separation of government into Executive . Legislative, Judicial. The division of power would prevent a dictatorship.
Adam Smith (1732-1790) Greatly admired Economist. Wrote the The Wealth of Nations. Encouraged change from Mercantilism to Laissez Faire Mercantilism: is strict government control of the economy using tariffs on imports, colonies to provide raw materials and markets, in order to create a favorable balance of trade. wealth of nation is based on the accumulation of gold and silver. 3. Government should leave the economy alone. Let the natural law regulate. Ex. Supply and demand. The wealth of a nation is based on the productivity of the country.
Effects of the Enlightenment Increased toleration Better treatment of prisoners Revolutions in U.S., France and Latin America Enlightened Despots: absolute monarchs who claimed to rule according to the ideas of the Enlightenment 1. Frederick the Great of Prussia 2. Catherine the Great of Russia 3. Joseph II of Austria