TEG FMLA Leave Process
Request for FMLA Leave When possible employees should be formally requesting a FMLA leave 30 days ahead of the scheduled need for the leave. Requests must be provided in writing via a “Leave Request Form” which can be located in ExponentHR. Qualified FMLA leaves will be for one of the following reasons: Birth of son or daughter (expected date of delivery) Placement of child with Employee for adoption or foster care (expected date of placement) Need to care for spouse, son/daughter, or biological or adoptive parent (not in-laws) with a serious health condition (advise relationship) Employee has own serious health condition Service-member care - Employee is the spouse, son/daughter, parent, or next of kin of a covered service-member with a serious injury or illness Exigency leave - spouse, son/daughter, or parent is on covered active duty or called to active duty status with the Armed Forces
FMLA Leave Documents and Certification Once an employee completes a Leave Request form, send a copy of that form to: fmla@theencompassgroup.com A copy of this form may also be posted to the employee record in ExponentHR Please note that you will not need to collect medical certification or make the determination of whether or not the certification provided qualifies under the FMLA legislation. As Administrators, a member of the TEG FMLA team will request the required medical certification and make the approval or denial determination. Once the determination is made you will be notified of the approval or denial and the appropriate FMLA designation.
eAction Notice > Create New EAN > Employee Leave in ExponentHR When the employee actually goes on leave you will then process the leave in ExponentHR, by creating an eAction Notice. (Place Employee on Leave eAction Notice type) In your Management View go to: HR Administration > eAction Notice > Create New EAN >
Create eAction Notice Find Employee Name > Place Employee on Leave > Create EAN >
On Leave EAN The EAN is shown below with instructions for each data field in red. You must include the FMLA Leave Type in the EAN Notes.
(Re-Activate On Leave Employee type) In your Management View go to: Returning from Leave When an employee has returned from leave and has provided the “Fitness for Duty” documentation you will then create an eAction Notice to return them to active status . (Re-Activate On Leave Employee type) In your Management View go to: HR Administration > eAction Notice > Create New EAN >
Find Employee Name > Create eAction Notice Find Employee Name > Re-Activate On Leave Employee > Create EAN >
This EAN does not require any EAN notes. Reactivate On Leave Employee The EAN is shown below includes instructions for each data field in red. This EAN does not require any EAN notes.
If you have any questions about the TEG Account Services team. So That You Know... The Encompass Group FMLA team will use the ExponentHR system to track all hours used per FMLA occurrence...this includes intermittent hours when leave is for just hours or days at a time. If you have any questions about the The Encompass Group’s FMLA process, please be sure to contact a member of your TEG Account Services team.