Environmental Factors Socio-economic factors § Push and Pull Factors are not the only considerations for migrants. Intervening obstacles are the physical and human barriers that make it more difficult for migrants to move. There are many models that desists to try and make sense of the migration process. Lee’s model is a good example.
Environmental Factors The carrying capacity of an environment determines how many people can live there. Climate change is impacting the carrying capacity The greatest impact on food security is likely to be felt by the middle of the century. People will then move to access new resources. Natural disasters lead to migration. In 2012, 32.4 million people worldwide were displaced as a result of natural disasters. Socio-economic factors Human causes of migration are usually socio-economic in nature People move to find employment, education and a better QofLife, or to escape political persecution or war. In 2015, hundreds of thousands fled from Myanmar (burma) to escape violence and persecution. The government failed to recogniser the ethnic group as legal citizens so many moved to Thailand, Indonesia and MAlaysia § Push and Pull Factors are not the only considerations for migrants. Intervening obstacles are the physical and human barriers that make it more difficult for migrants to move. There are many models that desists to try and make sense of the migration process. Lee’s model is a good example.
Population Policies Pro-natalist Anti-natalist
Population Policies China – one child policy India USA Anti-natalist Delayed marriages 22 men / 20 women Incentives and punishments e.g. forced abortions Prevented 300 million births Female infanticide 118 males born to every 100 females Spoilt ‘little emperors’ India USA Anti-natalist Pro-natalist Nigeria Singapore
Homework http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/ 2017/01/child-policy-affected-china- 170129130503972.html
Key word Definition Natural Increase When births are higher than deaths and a population grows Natural decrease When deaths are higher than births so popultion gets smaller. Per capita Per person Demographic dividend The economic benefit created by the population of a country Economic migrant Someone moving to find work or earn money Asylum Seeker Someone applying for permission to settle in another country through fear of persecution in their own country Refugee Someone who has settled in another country through fear of persecution in their own country. Carrying capacity The number of people that a region r county can sustainably support Intervening obstacles Physical or human barriers that hinder movement of migrants Transit countries Countries where migrants stop temporarily on way from host to source country Remittance payment Money that migrants send back home to support their families Dependcy ratio A masure showing the number of people who are too young (0-14) or too old (65+) to work in comparison to the working population (ages 15-64) Brain Drain The emigration of well educated or qualified people from a country.
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P232 small tb 3 population pyramids