FISI – European Foundry Industry Sentiment Indicator February 2019 Ferrous Castings Source CAEF, Index 2010 = 100, country weight based on production 2017
FISI – European Foundry Industry Sentiment Indicator February 2019 Non-Ferrous Castings Non-ferrous foundries confronted by a short-term downturn trend Which leads to the question: Are the WLTP problems solved? Negative question marks for the background of the trade conflict between China and the US Source CAEF, Index 2010 = 100, country weight based on production 2017
FISI – European Foundry Industry Sentiment Indicator February 2019 Steel Castings Data collection has started December 2013 A lot of weak flashs in the pan but no straight development! Current status and perspectives closer together! Source CAEF, Index 2010 = 100, country weight based on production 2017