Assembly Planning Committee Review Process TITLE Assembly Planning Committee Review Process
Planning Review Process Split into two parts: Planning Committee Scoring/Ranking Planning Committee Chair Review/Feedback Planning committee members will view and score each application online Planning Chairs will summarize the scores and fill out the Planning Chair Review form for each application Change this year – Budget summaries have been taken off the applications. ATS Staff will handle all review of budgets.
Scoring Site All projects will be scored online on the ATS Website at the link provided You will need your ATS Member Number this will be your user id. If your member number includes less than 8 numbers please add zeros at the beginning of the member number to make 8 Your Password will be your last name in CAPS – If your last name is less than six characters please add 1905 at the end of your name
Once you have signed on, you will see a table like the one in the image below. You can then sort the list of applications by the categories listed at the top of the columns by using the arrows to the right of the category name.
To view the application, click the “view” button To view the application, click the “view” button. To score the application, click the “Score” button
When you choose the “view” option, you will see the entire application When you choose the “view” option, you will see the entire application. You will have the option of downloading a PDF version of the application by clicking “PDF Download” at the very bottom of the application.
Each planning committee member will complete a scoresheet like the one below. When you are ready to submit your score and comments, press the “submit” button.
Once the application has been scored, the score button will change colors. It will change orange indicating that you have scored this application. This will help keep track of the applications you’ve scored.
As your committee members score the applications, the average score will update under the “New Project Score” column. As the chair, you will be able to view the average score directly on this screen. You will be able to create a natural rank by sorting the scores by clicking here. An excel spreadsheet will be able to be downloaded of this page by clicking this button.
As chairs, you will be able to see the average scores for the applications by clicking the “view” button. To see individual committee member scores and comments, click “show/hide all scores.”
Please see the image below to see how the scores and comments will show up when you “click here to Show/hide all scores.’
When all scores from your committee have been submitted and you are ready to submit your reviews, click the “Go to Review Forms” button at the very bottom of this page .
It will bring you to the Planning Committee review forms It will bring you to the Planning Committee review forms. Please see the image below.
When you are ready to complete your review of the proposal, click the “blue button” at the right of each proposal. Once you’ve completed the review, the button will turn green.
Deadline Please let your planning committee members know to visit the Project Application Resource Center by visiting the following link: We ask that you complete all planning review forms for your assembly by August 23rd. Questions? Email Miriam at or Breana at: