Our attempt to bridge the Science Policy gap: Volunteers needed (almost) 10 years of experiences with economic analyses for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive at the European level; challenges and lessons learned with the science policy interface Authors: YOU??? Introduction The main reason for this article is the experiences that we (or at least some of us) have that from time to time, we get invited to be a member of an advisory board for a European project that is supposed to support the decision making process for the European Marine Strategy Directive, where some scientists start with the idea that the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in general, and the socioeconomic analyses in particular is a completely new area of research where still a lot has to be explored, and they can help by developing and providing some new tools for policy makers. These scientists do this with the best intentions, but they don’t know that, over the past ten years, we, as policy advisors from various ministries and supporting agencies across Europe, have already developed guidance documents, exchanged experiences on the problems when applying textbook methods in a situation where you have limited knowledge on the functioning of the marine ecosystem, the challenges we face when trying to harmonize socioeconomic analyses across the EU and simultaneously taking into account subsidiarity and different political and institutional contexts, and the predominant questions we still have. The reason they don’t know that, is because we prepare policy documents, but don’t publish articles in scientific journals. This article is meant to bridge that gap, by reaching out as policy advisors to the scientific community, and to support the science policy interface. Overview article Our attempt to bridge the Science Policy gap: Volunteers needed
Why this article? To share what we have done, with Scientists drafting EU proposals Colleagues within our countries, both non- and new economists … so we don’t have to tell them once again what we have done (saves time and frustration)
What? Really and solely an overview of what we have done; not pushing national interests: Presenting/adoption in MSCG? • General introduction to the paper • Introduction to economics MSFD • Introduction to WG (POM)ESA • Summary of WG ESA document • Summary of POM recommendations document • Summary of experiences • Lessons learned • Future challenges
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