Region 9 FY19 Financials YE 3/31/19
Region 9 FY19 Income Statement Summary FY19 Region 9 Results – Total Income $16,342.85 Expense $11,748.11 Net Income $ 4,594.74 Comments: We have a positive net income for FY19 from lower NAYC expenses FY19 Region 9 Results without FEI JR/YR Income $10,050.59 Expense $10,557.71 Loss $ <507.12> NAYC FY19 Income $ 6,292.26 Expense $ 1,190.94 Profit $ 5,101.86
Region 9 FY19 Income Statement Comparison FY18/FY19 Total Region Profit Increased to $4,594.74 Lower expenses/higher income for NAYC Omnibus income Lower by $150 T-Shirt Income Lower by $71 Expenses NAYR lower expenses Omnibus Expense Decreased by $320.16 General expense Increased by $303.66 $463 donation to Hurricane Harvey fund
FY19 Income Statement Detail Omnibus Income $ 7,660.00 Expense $ 1,591.50 Profit $ 6,068.50 Omnibus profit in FY19 increased $170.36 T-Shirts Income $ 1,367.00 Expense $ 598.60 Profit $ 768.50 T-shirt profit decreased $158.81 from the previous year Region 9 donation of $463.63, (half of the previous year’s t-shirt profit) was sent in FY19 for Hurricane Harvey victims Emergency Fund Transferring $303.45 (5%) of FY19 Omnibus Profit to Emergency Fund in FY20 per Region 9 Policy Omnibus Profit - $6,068.50 5% = $303.43
FY19 Income Statement Detail (cont) General Expense General Expense Total $ 5,966.21 Detail Travel $ 4,774.26 T-Shirts $ 598.60 Donation-Hurricane $ 463.60 Credit Card Fees $ 34.35 Regional Website $ 95.40 Education Income - $408 - From Silent Auction Expense – $2500 $1000 each to Para riders – Katie Jackson, Roxanne Trunnel $ 500 Betsy Steiner Clinic Education Inc for 2017 was 392, so we increased by $16
FY19 Balance Sheet Region 9
Proposed FY19 Budget (YE 3/31/19)
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