Unit 1 Human Nature – Animal and Angel Laws Rules and Regulations
The Rule of Law Structures for stability – Long term security for all Groups of people need rules to make the group work Laws make mega cities liveable But there is a down side to laws- Legalism
The benefits of laws – the limitations of laws List 3 reasons why having laws are good for individuals and a society as a whole. List two reasons why laws and the legal system has limitations.
Key words related to Laws Crime – when a law is broken Punishment Five objectives are widely accepted for enforcement of the criminal law by punishments: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation and restoration. Judgment – The decision that a person has broken the law. Justice – that all those effected by the law are treated fairly Law – rules that govern a society or group set by the governing body.
Laws in practice
The foundations of laws In society, law is not something which comes from somewhere outside the boundaries of the society. It is in-fact is an innate idea of the society. The law reflects the norms of the society and is what according to the society is good, equitable and just. Every society has its own laws, and these laws change with the changes in the norms of the society.
Why we need laws 1. Because we have people who seek to take advantage of others. To take/ steal/ cheat – Their work or effort, their creativity, The things they have accumulated; The money they have access to To gain from their abusing others sexually or violently – intimidation Manipulation 2. We need laws to maintain order and allow the business of living to take place: at Work, in Recreation, at Home, in public spaces,
Law is required in society for mainly three reasons To regulate people's behaviour in accordance with the norms of the society.(Regulatory laws, prohibition laws, contract laws, personal laws, etc) To balance the harm done by the offender against the individual and society at large. To collect and generate revenue from the masses(taxation laws)
The Law sets boundaries For safety of citizens – protect them from their own possible mistakes and carelessness. The law sets out behaviours that are not tolerated. Law is to protect citizens from scams in transactions. Laws ensure there is a degree of a level playing field. Laws are specific to particular areas of life. Laws describe how a society will cover its costs and who will pay.
Select one area from below and write how rules, laws, regulations are applied to make that are functional for those involved. 50-100 words A sport Running a school Driving on public roads Boating in public waters Seeling goods or services Employing workers Use of the internet We ready to share your thoughts
The downside of laws Write one sentence to demonstrate that you understand each of the six below. Legalism Litigious behaviour. Can’t make rules or laws for every possible situation. People find ways to get around or avoid set rules. They only work if people believe they may get caught. They must can be policed. This leads on to the next topic ethics