Bid Writing 101 A Step by Step process
I got nominated… What now?
Lucky you! Time to write a bid!
Step 0 (so the step before anything else) Decide on what position you want to run for. Check the bylaws and TALK TO AN EXEC MEMBER!
Step 1 - Check the Constitution Do you meet the requirements for running? Have a minimum 2.5 GPA Not serving as an RA or APM Have a housing contract for 2017/2018 academic year Be in good judicial standing with the university and housing
Step 1 - Check the Constitution
Step 2 - Letters of Support You’ll need at least 2 but can have more Anyone in a position who can talk about your leadership Hall Council President, Hall Director(s), Current Exec Member Can also be non-housing related Reach out at least one week in advance!
Step 3 - Letter of Intent A letter stating why you want to run for this position! Interest in RHA Qualifications Stick to a page!
Step 4 - About Me Required to state next year’s class level NOT amount of years in school Include applicable things Cumulative GPA Theme relevant items Majors/Minors
Step 5 - Strengths and Weaknesses Equal amounts Relevant to position/goals Short - no longer than 3-word phrases Able to state how you’ll work on these
Step 6 - Time Breakdown 24/7 look at an average week (168 hours total) Include everything possible Organizations, personal time, classes, sleeping, eating, etc. Weekly, bi-weekly Make 2 models if necessary Project for things that are up in the air Positions you’ve applied for, or classes you may take
Step 7 - Involvements and Achievements What have you done so far at Ball State? Freshmen can include High school items Only pertinent, extended commitments 4 years rather than 1 semester What have you accomplished that proves your capabilities In relation to position As a leader
Step 8 - Goals MOST IMPORTANT PART Positional Organizational Personal Make sure they are detailed and achievable Consider this a platform
Step 9 - Theme! The most fun part of the bid! Can be anything (well anything appropriate) TV shows, movies, books, animals, plants, etc. Try to tie it back to leadership Something that describes or is important to you
Step 10 - Formatting Can be made in any software you choose Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, InDesign, etc. Must be able to be converted to a PDF Must include all elements, but in no specific order Must be under 8 pages, not including letters of support