Bones of the Skeleton Chapter 11 Lecture 1
Skull = cranium Mandible = lower jaw Maxilla = upper jaw
Clavicle = collarbone Scapula = shoulder blade Humerus = upper arm Ulna = lower arm pinky side Radius = lower arm thumb side
Carpal = wrist Metacarpal = palm Phalanges = fingers
Ribs = cover heart and lungs Vertebrae = spine Sternum = breastbone Ribs = cover heart and lungs Vertebrae = spine Cervical = neck Thoracic = chest Lumbar = lower back
Sacrum = fused vertebrae in hip bone Coccyx = tailbone
Hip = coxal bone Pubic = hip bone near genital region Ischium = hip bone in buttock region Ilium = hip bone at waist
Femur = upper leg Patella = knee cap Tibia = shin bone Fibula = lower lateral leg bone Tarsal = ankle Metatarsal = sole of foot Phalanges= toes