Reformation Continues
English Reformation King Henry VIII Wanted his marriage annulled Supported Pope vs. Lutheranism Given title “Defender of Faith” Wanted his marriage annulled Pope refused Declared himself head of the Church in England Protestantism has begun in England
English Church cont. Church of England: Anglican or Episcopalian Henry executed Sir Thomas More for treason “Utopia”/martyr Most people were let alone if not prominent
English Church cont. Mary I came to throne Tried to reestablish Roman Catholicism Met resistance Nicknamed “Bloody Mary” Burned more than 300 people as heretics
Calvinism Led by John Calvin Focused on God’s knowing fate “predestination” Belief in separation of Church and State Frowned on dance, gambling, erratic behavior Called Huguenots in France, Puritans in England
Counter Reformation Roman Catholics fight back Changed its problems Established Jesuits Educated teachers for Catholics Went out to reconvert people Set up commission to end corruption Made repairs, but never fully regained control of the population