ATRACTING AND SUPPORTING VOLUNTEERS ADVERTAISING Social media, local newsletters and community notice boards Word of mouth with your networks Organise awareness events EXPECTATIONS MANAGMENT Be clear about the skills and time commitment required Promote the benefits of CS volunteering Set up policies for addressing burnout NETWORKING Connect volunteers with peer groups Connect CS group with the wider community
HELPING LANGUAGE LEARNING INTERACTIVE APPROACHS Adhere labels with the names of objects Cooking activities talking through the names of ingredients Memory games OTHER MATERIAL Borrow materials from schools with special needs department Adapt online materials Produce a list of basic phrases in English with Arabic translations TECHNOLOGY AND CHARITIES Use apps for translation Use WhatsApp to contact interpreters Contact national charity specialised in teaching English to Refugees (STAR)
BENEFIT SYSTEM AND EMPLOYABILITY Meet the manager of the local Jobcentre Plus before the family arrive and tell them about CS so they can share with their staff. Open a bank account easily with Monzo: Benefits system training online at Turn2Us: Calculator online by the government Citizens Advice Benefits EMPLOYABILITY Prioritise language learning in the first few months in the UK Identify volunteering opportunities which will enable refugees to use their existing skills. Help refugees to gain a UK qualification using NARIC Support refugees to take their driving test Identify charities that can help provide training and support to increase employability
REDUCING SOCIAL ISOLATION Refugee Family Ensure the family have good access to internet so they can stay in touch with friends and family Support family members to participate in local clubs and social activities Identify Arabic speaking volunteers and ask for help especially around the arrival period Introduce family with members of your network or the wider the community of the same age Create a network with families from nearby CS groups
MANAGING CULTURAL DIFFERENCES Actively explain life in the UK to refugees Childrearing practices around discipline and leaving children home alone Gender relations and approaches to socialising Reassure families that they can ask questions about the life in the UK Explain to volunteers and support volunteers to understand and respect refugee values and traditions
COMMUNICATING CS TO THE LOCAL POPULATION Do not assume that local people know what a refugee or CS is Train your volunteers to explain the CS and refugees to local people Invite your MP and local authority staff to events and activities Organise events to raise awareness about refugees Contribute updates about CS positive outcomes to local newsletters Liaise with the local press and share good news stories for publication Contribute good news stories to local Facebook pages and other social media