Liaison Operations Update Deborah H. Erdner
Agenda Quality Assurance Training – What We Changed for 2020 Customer Service Verification Chat
Quality Assurance Setting standards Recording and listening to calls Coaching and providing feedback
Performance Measurement Strategy Setting goals – individual and team Understanding how/why we chose these goals Seeing each specialist as an individual Investigating the root cause of problems Optimizing our resources
Total Contacts By Channel and Number of New Applicants: FY18 vs FY19
Total Contacts By Channel and Number of New Applicants: April and May Per Year
Total PharmCAS Contacts By Channel and Number of New Applicants: April and May Per Year
All Services- calls
PharmCAS Calls
All services emails
PharmCAS emails
Chat – new to PharmCAS this month!
PharmCAS Verification
Scanned Documents by Month