State of Calibration for California Central Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model (C2VSim) CWEMF 2019 Annual Meeting Folsom, CA Presenter: Mesut Cayar April 23, 2019
Calibration Process Model Input Data QA/QC & Update Sensitivity Analysis - Water Demand & Supply - Soil Parameters - Aquifer Parameters - Stream Parameters - Storage Coefficients (Subsidence) IWFM Demand Calculator (IDC) Calibration - Land Use - Rootzone Budget Water Budget Update & Refinement - Water Use & Supply Budget - Groundwater Budget Groundwater & Surface Water Calibration - GW Heads Distribution - GW Levels & Trends - Streamflow - Stream Aquifer Interaction - Subsidence
Focus Area for Calibration Update Map Hydrologic Regions Sacramento River San Joaquin River Excluding Delta (Subregion 9)
Calibration Activities Since Beta Release Model Input Data QA/QC & Update Verified and corrected stream inflow Refined urban demand data Updated ET and precipitation data Updated soil parameters and ET for small watersheds Refined land use data based on local models Updated initial groundwater levels (above and below Corcoran) in San Joaquin and Tulare Basins Fixed various data bugs
Calibration Activities Since Beta Release Water Budget Update & Refinement Reviewed and mapped available local model data to C2VSim Adjusted water demand and supply data as-necessary Refined IDC calibration Soil parameter adjustments ET updates Refinement of reuse and return flows based on available data Refinement of rice operations Reviewed and assessed water demand and supply data at monthly level Re-configured surface water delivery areas Verified/updated surface water deliveries based on available Local/State/Federal data Turned off pumping for elements that are known to not pump historically Re-distributed pumping between above and below Corcoran Clay based on available data
Turlock Sub-Basin (Subregion 12) Review and map available local model data to C2VSim Reviewed and mapped available local model data to C2VSim
Butte, Wyandotte Creek, & Yuba Sub-Basins (Subregion 5) Adjusted water demand and supply data as-necessary Non-Ponded Ag. Supply Requirement Non-Ponded SW Supply Non-Ponded GW Pumping Ponded Ag. Supply Requirement Adjusted water demand and supply data as-necessary Refined of IDC calibration Soil parameter adjustments ET updates Refinement of reuse and return flows based on available data Refinement of rice operations Reviewed and assessed water demand and supply data at monthly level Re-configured surface water delivery areas Verified/updated surface water deliveries based on available Local/State/Federal Data Ponded SW Supply Ponded GW Pumping
Colusa Sub-Basin (Subregion 3) Adjusted water demand and supply data as-necessary Re-configured surface water delivery areas Verified/updated surface water deliveries based on available Local/State/Federal Data
Delta Mendota Sub-Basin (Subregion 10) Adjusted water demand and supply data as-necessary
Calibration Activities Since Beta Release GW Level Calibration & Sensitivity Analysis Adjusted small watershed parameters for baseflow and sw contributions Reviewed and assessed sensitivity of gw levels against water budgets, small watershed contributions and aquifer parameters Aquifer parameters pre-calibration analysis Horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity Storage coefficients Reviewed and assessed groundwater budgets
Overall Status of Groundwater Conditions & Calibration
Selected Groundwater Level Hydrographs Faults
Selected Groundwater Level Hydrographs Vertical K
Selected Groundwater Level Hydrographs Rice Fields
Selected Groundwater Level Hydrographs Missing SW supply
Selected Groundwater Level Hydrographs Drop down in sw supplies. SW deliveries are verified so should look into rice et, return flow and deep perc
Selected Groundwater Level Hydrographs Cosumnes area with little info
Selected Groundwater Level Hydrographs Turlock data mapped from local updates, good representation. Modesto has not been yet and the calibration is not as good yet
Selected Groundwater Level Hydrographs Merced is generally good, we had good local data shared with us Madera in general good. In the middle around Chowchilla area, the simulated values are higher and we could not be able to verify sw supply data before 1990s
Selected Groundwater Level Hydrographs North gw levels are high compared to simulated Other areas are mix K for Corcoran Clay needs to be refined Demand data needs to be updated Impacting neighbor subregions
Groundwater Budget – Sacramento River Hydrologic Region Replace this with the budget for Sacramento Valley (Subregions 1-7)
Groundwater Budget – San Joaquin River Hydrologic Region Replace this with the budget for Sacramento Valley (Subregions 1-7)
Next Steps Supply-Demand Corrections as Necessary Refinement of Hydraulic Conductivity for Corcoran Clay Evaluation of Streamflows & Stream Aquifer Interactions Evaluation of Subsidence Development of Guidelines for Automated Calibration Automated Calibration Documentation
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