Week 4 Exercise
Week 4 Exercise I want you to do this exercise in electronic format . This will also be another deposit in your portfolio, so keep a copy.
Week 4 Exercise – Part 1 Find two research papers in your area that use the interview as their research method. e.g. In GoogleScholar “Assistive Technology” interview
Week 4 Exercise – Part 2 Create 5 interview questions to ask someone about your discipline (or one of the main branches of your discipline as depicted on the MindMap you created in Week 1) without using any unnecessary jargon.
Week 4 Exercise Finally, don’t forget that your are required to have some kind of project idea by Week 7, I know you might be thinking that you’ll never think of anything, but every student on the MSc courses in the past decade has come up with something, so don’t worry about it. Use this exercise as an opportunity to review the main themes/subjects in your discipline and see which areas you might enjoy doing a project in.