Blended delivery for sustainable change and measurable ROI Keynote Speech Builds motivation for change Challenges current mindsets On the Web Online communities Self-paced courses Video on demand Live-event webinars Assessment tools Workshops Certified instructors Supports real action Highly interactive Peer-to-peer coaching Principles and tools Train-the-Trainer Complete guide package Expert supervision Community of practice Content updates Consulting Establish readiness Align with HR systems Assess impact / utilization Continual adaptation Retreats / Events Build community Align with rewards programs Alumni storytelling Pro Coaching Virtual or live One-on-one One-on-many 1
High-Potentials / Emerging Leaders Delivery methods for four different audiences C Suite / Executives High-Potentials / Emerging Leaders Management / HR Staff Employees / Teams Keynote Speech X Workshops Consulting Retreats / Events Pro Coaching Train-the-Trainer On the Web 2