plant life Plants are of 3 types, herbs Shrubs & trees .Herbs have soft Stem , shrubs have woody & trees have main trunk. As, you know, They make food by photosynthesis using water,minerals,CO2& Sunlight so they are producers..
plant life PLANTS ARE LIVING things There are two types of plants.1, Flowering plants 2, Nonflowering plants. The roots collect water, minerals From the soil and send It to stem then to branch then to leaves . Carbon – di – oxide, sunlight Enter the leaf through stomata And it start’s to mix, now the food is ready. Bud changes into flower Therefore, plant is a living thing.
stomata Stomata The tiny pores [holes] present in leaves are called STOMATA.Carbon-di-oxide ,sunlight enters the leaf through stomata it helps plant to breath.
animals There are 3 types of animals, herbivores,carnivores & omnivores. Rabbit & cow are herbivores it eat’s herbs. Tiger is carnivores it eat’s meat. Omnivores eat both.
earth our EARTH earth is 3rd planet of solar system. It is the only planet which has life .it has 4 layers crust ,mantle ,outer core & inner core. Crust is 40 km deep.mantle has 2 layers , outer part is 6km thick & temperature =2000 degree C. & molten rock Magma flows here . In outer core temp. is above 3000. c. it is made of nickel & liquid iron. In inner core temp. is above 7500.c .here iron crystles press into solid balls.
FUSE Fuse is a safety device used in an electric circit to protect electrical equipments.
SNOWFLAKES One of most beautiful object by nature is snowflake . A water molecule consists of 2 atoms of hydrogen & 1 atom of Oxygen , so when it crystallises, it has to form 3 or 6 sided figure. As they are formed they come down by air currents. they get collected around dust & when they become heavy they fall as SNOWFLAKES.
atom Atomic energy is energy drawn from atoms. there are 2 ways of obtaining energy from atoms. 1) fusion 2) fission. In fusion 2 atoms are made to form 1 atom & thus tremendous energy is released in the form of heat. When atom splits in 2 it is called fission.
why is ocean salty On a average , 1 litre sea water contains 30g of salt . The beds of rock salt ,that are found in parts of world ,were all originally formed by evaporation of sea water millions of years ago. since it’s important for 9/10 th’s of volume of sea water to evaporate for rock salt beds that are found were deposited in what used to be partly enclosed seas. this evaporated faster and the rock salt deposits were thus formed.