Welcome to Year 5 & 6 Monday 16th September 2019
Staff Panther Class - 6D Class Teacher: Mrs Davies Leopard Class – 6M Class Teacher: Miss Minoli Jaguar Class – 5M Class Teacher: Miss Mentiady Tiger Class – 5W Class Teacher: Miss Wilson
Year 6 Curriculum Advent Vikings and Anglo Saxons The Victorians Lent Evolution and inheritance South America Pentecost ‘Should zoos be banned?’ Summer Production text
Year 5 Curriculum Advent Roald Dahl; Matilda and Dirty Beasts Explorers Lent Earth and Space Rivers and Floods Pentecost Ancient Greeks Mountains The Curriculum maps will be uploaded to the website by Friday 20th September
A typical week… English and maths daily Reading lessons SPaG History/geography Science RE x 2 per week Assemblies Music, computing, Spanish, PSHE and a visit to the library PE x 2 per week
Set on a Thursday and due on a Tuesday. Homework It is important that all homework is completed as it consolidates the class learning. SPaG Maths - MyMaths Reading comprehension Daily revision on - Times table Rockstars - Spelling Shed Daily reading Discovery homework Set on a Thursday and due on a Tuesday.
Retreat days and the Summer Production! Special events Year 6 Year 5 PGL Roald Dahl story centre Sporting tournaments Capture the Flag tournament Love afternoon Basketball tournament Gunnersbury Park visit Planetarium Charity day Greek day Retreat days and the Summer Production!
Working Together Ensuring children are on time for school and at school every day- school is open from 8.30 and this is valuable time for the children to complete activities to reinforce their learning. Attendance Reading daily Homework support Support in school – volunteers
Uniform We want all our children to take pride in their school and in our school uniform, so please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform every day. Please ensure that all school uniform and PE kit is labelled clearly with your child’s name. If you are unsure about the uniform, the full list is on the school website. School bags/coats https://www.st-josephsprimary.bucks.sch.uk/web/uniform/30241
Independent Children Handing in homework / reading books Pride and presentation in all work including homework and discovery work Purple pen to help them self assess and improve work Remembering belongings at the end of the day End of day procedures (mobile phones) Taking home messages themselves rather than relying on letters to parents
Thank you for coming and for your continuing support.