Governance Council Meeting April 6, 2017
Agenda Introductions: Cheryl Reardon Talent Acquisition Director: Marguerite Granat Talent Acquisition Project: Angie Bell, Rebecca Schwertfeger, Mike Kaplan HR IT Transition: Mike Noel Payroll Alignment Update: Cheryl Reardon Progress and Communications: Sue Sager, Lin Larson Next Steps: Cheryl Reardon
Talent Acquisition Director Marguerite Granat Director of Talent Acquisition started at UI March 31st 15 years of experience in Talent Acquisition/Recruiting/Exec Searches Masters in Human Resources from Loyola University Masters in Accounting from Southern Illinois University Carbondale Talent Acquisition Strategist (HCI)
Talent Acquisition Strategy and System T@I recommendations: Implement a state-of-the-art talent management system Address the full suite of talent management needs for varied constituencies in a time frame that respects those needs UI strategic plan: Strategic interest in attracting and retaining talent “The people of the UI are crafting new chapters of exploration, discovery, creation, and engagement.” University community has identified talent acquisition as their highest priority and the first component of a talent management system to implement
Interconnection of the Talent Initiatives Talent Management Strategy Talent Acquisition Strategy Talent Acquisition System Interconnection of the Talent Initiatives
Comprehensive Talent Management System A talent management system (TMS) is an integrated software suite that addresses the “pillars” of talent management: Recruitment Performance management Learning and development Compensation management Succession planning An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a software application that enables the electronic handling of recruitment needs. ROI 80% reduction in onboarding time 30% reduction in external agency/advertising spend 20% improvement in time to productivity 20% reduction in time to hire revenue generating personnel 87% greater ability to “hire the best people” 25% reduction in candidate drop-off
Replacement of the Jobs@UIOWA system
Talent Acquisition Strategy and System Project TA Strategy: Establish a preliminary talent acquisition strategy that attracts, and retains faculty and staff within the larger scope of talent management TA System Project: Identify a new system to complete the employment life cycle, including all functions currently supported by Jobs@UIOWA system
Talent Acquisition Project Governance Identify a new system to complete the employment life cycle, including all functions currently supported by the Jobs@Uiowa System. Executive Sponsor (Cheryl Reardon): Responsible for overall success of project implementation and continued operation. Project Leaders (Marguerite Granat, Rebecca Schwertzferger, Peter Forkenbrock, Diane Finnerty): Oversee implementation and responsible for project planning, management, and communication Four Project Subcommittees – Academic, Staff, Health Care, and Change Management: Focused development and deployment of software/processes that meet the needs for a specific area. Subject Matter Experts – Compliance, Compensation, Technical Implementation, and Search Consultants: Focused development and deployment of software/processes that meet the needs for areas of expertise. Members: TBA
TA Strategy Advisory Committee Charge Establish a preliminary talent management strategy that attracts, develops, and retains employees who possess the broad diversity essential for our teaching, research, and health care missions. Deliverables and Timeline Research talent acquisition strategies Propose preliminary talent strategy by September 2017 Offer guidance in design, development, and implementation of strategy Research and propose strategies for enhancing internal mobility, diversity, and dual career program Strategy Members: Chris Annicella and Rebecca Schwertzferger Maggie Moore, Brenda Dodge, Laura Barnard, Jill Robinson, Adam Potter, Kendra Malone
TA System Guiding Principles Align with Talent@Iowa recommendations and the University’s talent strategy: Talent acquisition is the first part of a comprehensive talent management solution Develop integrated talent acquisition processes and technology solutions from “decision to hire” through “onboarding” Reduce administrative burden for recruiters and hiring departments Provide effective and efficient solutions that ensure regulatory and legal compliance requirements are met Offer an exceptional applicant, recruiter, and hiring department experience Align of resources with strategic initiatives Ensure fiscally responsible, known life-cycle costs including purchase, implementation, and operational support costs
Talent Acquisition System Project Updates Due Diligence Oracle functional and technical demo – completed March 7 and 8 Market analysis – Gartner, TalentTech, IDC MarketScape Talent acquisition system leader assessment – iCIMS Talent management system leaders demo – PeopleFluent, Cornerstone, PageUp April: Due Diligence May: Demos June: Software decision Project begins Project Planning and Governance Structures
IT Transition Update Memorandum of Understanding IT Governance Structure (priorities) Bi-weekly meetings between technical and functional leads Succession planning for key positions Leveraging resources for T@I data/data driven decisions
Payroll Alignment Update Recommendation Accepted (MOU drafted) UI Payroll will have a dual (solid) report to UHR and the Chief Financial Officer in Finance and Operations Develop Payroll Users Group to gather input and enhance relationships across campus Re-evaluate alignment in 12-18 months. Launch Phase II working committee of the T@I Payroll Committee to assess and recommend strategies and priorities to increase efficiencies and meet campus needs. Co-Chairs: Suzanne Hilleman, Terri Hein Members: Dan Schropp, Tara Black, Rachel Quinlan, Kyle Anson, Dave Bergeon, Selina Martin, Audra Haddy, Angie Johnson, Debby Zumbach, Joni Troester (liaison) Strategies and priorities will eliminate administrative burden in colleges and orgs, streamline processes, improve efficiency, improve accuracy, enhance accounting functionality, and strengthen knowledge of payroll and central finance accounting staff on key payroll issues.
Talent@Iowa Progress and Communications April Infographic available Committee co-chair meeting: Co-chairs shared best practices Campus communications: Iowa Now article on March 23 Website: Regular content updates as new material becomes available ( Progress updates: Quarterly phase two deliverables
2017 UI HR Inaugural Conference
UI HR Awards
Governance Council Meetings Date Time Location Thursday, April 6 11 a.m.-noon 283 EMRB (Seebohm) Thursday, May 11 Thursday, June 8 USB 112 - Training Thursday, July 13 USB 112 – Training Thursday, August 10 Thursday, September 14 Thursday, October 12 Thursday, November 9 11 a.m.-noon USB 112 - Training Executive Committee meetings twice monthly
Talent@Iowa Governance Council Proposed May Agenda Medical leave recommendation Talent acquisition system update
Governance Council Action Inform campus of Talent@Iowa initiative Share infographics Refer to key talking points: T@I advances the UI strategic plan’s emphasis on the university’s people. Implementing T@I is a collaborative effort driven by the whole HR community. T@I prioritizes strategy alongside operations—more proactive approaches to recruiting, workforce planning, etc. Increased efficiencies should save departments time and money. Changes will balance coordination and flexibility, giving departments additional autonomy. Other projects (like Working@Iowa) are closely integrated—they all inform each other.