Case Studies
Case: 34 years old female G4 P3 at 39 6/7 weeks. Admitted with SROM 4 hours prior to admission. Unremarkable prenatal care. OB history: Previous vaginal deliveries at term. GBS negative. Patient speaks only Spanish Does not report contractions Cervix: 2-3 cm/1.5 cm/-2/cephalic
5 AM Pitocin started
05:20- 05:30
05:35- 05:45
05:59- 06:09
06:22- 06:32
08:23-08:33 Patient reports painful contractions, requesting epidural
10:10-10:20 Comfortable, feel some pressure. Cervix 4 cm/1 cm/0. IUPC placed. Tracing?
11:41-11:51 Maternal oxygen, Pitocin remains same rate
11:55-12:04 Patient sleeping
13:33-13:42 Unable to find fetal heart tones. Cervix c/c/-1.Pitocin off. Uterine resting tone up to 40,tachysystole
Outcome Patient takng to the OR for emergent c section Delivery of a 3440 grams baby with Apgars of 1 and 5 Arterial pH 6.9 Venous cord pH6.97 Uterine rupture: left side anterior uterine wall going down 8 cm into the vagina
Uterine Rupture Increased suspicion for uterine rupture; Bradycardia preceding or accompanied by recurrent late decelerations Uterine tachysystole Change in pattern Severe pain Location/quality Vaginal bleeding To use with strip of uterine rupture
Case: 33 years old G2 P1 39 4/7 weeks. Hx of LEEP and previous LTCS for breech. Membranes are intact. Admitted in early labor. GBS negative
Admission Cervix: 1 cm/1 cm/-1
01:04-01:14 Patient is very uncomfortable, requests pain management
01:25-01:35 Cervix: 6/80%/-2, bulging bag, head not engaged. Epidural
02:26-02:36 After epidural FHT up 10-20 BPM, gray area for alarm up to 170
4 AM:Bulging bag, ROM meconium, cervix: c/c/+1
04:35 AM. Pushing starts.
06:09-06:19 How often is she pushing? DO we have a baseline?
06:09-06:18 Maternal fever (101.3)-Amp/Gent. started
06:41-06:51 Pushing for 2 hours. What is the baseline? Variability? How is the tracing?
06:55-07:05 Cervix: c/c/+1 with caput at +3
07:14-07:24 Decision made for c section
Delivery by c section Apgars 2 and 7 Mec below the cords Blood gases: -Arterial ph 6.91 Base excess -20 -Venous ph 6.95 Base excess not done Weight 3.4 kg No cooling as gases improved by 1 hour and no signs of HIE
Case 30 y.o. G1P0 41 weeks Induction for post dates Cervix 1/long/high
1000 CYTOTEC #1 Admission tracing 1000 Cytotec #1 Cervix closed long high CYTOTEC #1
1400 No cervical change Cytotec #2 CYTOTEC #2
1800 Cytotec #3 no cervical change CYTOTEC #3
2115-2130 SROM at 2036 SVE= 5/75%/-1 at 2130 epidural SROM @ 2036
2115-2130 SROM at 2036 SVE= 5/.5/-1 at 2130 epidural SVE 5/.5/-1
2229 FSE placed brady? FSE placed
2239 Notice gradual rise in baseline fetal heart rate from 2100 to end of tracing
2305 8/C/O IUPC Amnio infusion started @2315 SVE 8/C/0 Teaching Point Gradual raise in baseline from 130-170 from 2100- end of tracing Trends over time. 8/C/O
2328 9/C/O 9/C/0 Teaching Point: Contractions every minute give terbutaline Notice gradual rise in baseline fetal heart rate from 2100 to end of tracing
2350 9/C/0 no change Rising baseline
2356 Cervical check done cervix unchanged remains9/C/O
0002 Note Contraction frequency
0012 Frequency of contractions, not on Pitocin consider giving terbutaline Cat II possible interventions Variables or lates
0022 To OR decision made to do C/S
0029 Prolonged deceleration
0035-0039 0037
0037-0043 0037 Terminal brady
OUTCOME Male born at 0046 via C/S 3 vessel cord/body cord 4141 GM Apgars 2,9 Cord gases A- 6.97, 95, 5, -17 V- 6.99, 81, 13, -17 Last tracing at 0043--- importance if FSE Male born at 0046 via C/S 3 vessel cord/body cord 4141 gm Apgars 2,9 Cord gases A- 6.97, 95, 5, -17 V- 6.99, 81, 13, -17 Babe to transition nursery for respiratory distress resolved in 30 minutes transferred to normal newborn nursery.
Case G1Po 40 3/7 weeks GBS positive ( in urine) G1P0 403/7 GBS + Spontaneous labor
Admission 0730 1/C/-3 This is the admission tracing Patient in triage to r/o labor 1/C/-3 Will recheck in two hours
1034-1041 2/C/-2 Rechecked 2/C/-2
1047-1054 SROM,clear SROM clear
1107-1113 Continuing tracing
1118-1124 Continuing tracing
1139-1147 Continuing tracing
1433-1448 con’t
1459-1505 Epidural placement 6cm
1510-1516 B/P 71/39 Drop in blood pressure following epidural placement
1516-1522 6/.5/-1 6cm b/p 89/51 B/P remains in this range for the next hour and the tracing looks the same Anes notified
1618-1624 8-9/C/-1 Oxygen on B/P 121/58 Blood pressure 121/58 O2 on now until end of tracing Oxygen on B/P 121/58
1650-1655 IUPC placed 8-9/C/-1 IUPC placement No change in cervical exam 8-9/C/-1
1656-1703 Left side oxygen Oxygen on Left side Fetal scalp electrode
1704-1711 Cervix un changed 8-9/C/+2
1735 Continuing tracing
1743-1748 Continuing tracing Moderate variability /lates (?)
1751-1757 T 37.6 Continuing tracing
1757-1802 To right side Prolonged deceleration
1801-1807 to left FSE Repositioned to left FSE O2 remains on placed
1807-1813 Continuing tracing Raising baseline now there is enough of a tracing to get a baseline
1820-1825 Continuing tracing Note variability
1830-1835 Continuing tracing Recurrent variables
1906-1913 C/C/+1 T 38.1 c/c/+1 TEMP 38.1
1939-1945 Laboring down OP Laboring down OP
1946-1952 To Right Position change recurrent lates, tachy
2051-2057 PUSHING
2134-2140 Pushing started
2140-2145 Continuing tracing pushing
2213-2220 BRIEF BREAK FROM PUSHING PUSHING FOR TWO HOURS HEAD ASYNCLITIC ultra sound showed fetal head transverse Discussed with patient that OVD was not an option discussed C/S Patient refused will keep pushing
2236-2243 Pushing restarted Deep variables Prolonged decelerations
2300 Continuing tracing
2315 Continuing tracing
2330 Continuing tracing Raise in baseline fetal heart rate and raise in IUPC baseline
2350 From OP to OA Good maternal pushing effort Decision made to do OVD based on maternal fatigue, maternal fever, meconium and reccurent variable decelerations. Temp 38.2 @2300
0000-0005 Vacuum applied on for five minutes with two pop off’s IUPC out
0010 Vacuum off Two pop offs +4 station Vacuum off patient continues to push for another 18 minutes
0020 Patient continued to push
0028 Birth at 0028 delivery
Outcome VAVD Male, 3082grams UA 7.06,71,17, -12 UV 7.13, 59, 23 -11 Apgars 1,3,4 Suctioned, PPV, intubated Newborn ABG 6.94, 62, 44, -22 Induced Hypothermia Treatment for HIE @ 12 months no neurologic deficits VAVD Male, 3082grams UA 7.06,71,17, -12 UV 7.13, 59, 23 -11 Apgars 1,3,4 Suctioned, PPV, intubated Newborn ABG 6.94, 62, 44, -22 Induced Hyperthermia Treatment for HIE @ 12 months no neurologic deficits
Case: 35 years old G 1 P0 39 weeks. Admitted in early labor GBS positive Prenatal care uneventful
Admission Cervix: 3 cm/70%/-3. Membranes intact
05:38-05:48 SROM, thick meconium
06:20-06:30 Patient very uncomfortable. Cervix:7cm/0.5 cm/-2. Anesthesia to place epidural. Tracing: Baseline 160, variability minimal to moderate, late appearing decelerations
06:30-06:40 Baseline is up? Causes of fetal tachychardia….
06:39-06:49 Fever 102.2. Ampicillin and gentamicin started
06:55-07:05 tracing
07:08-07:18 Fetal scalp, IUPC placed. Maternal oxygen, position to hands and knees
07:15-07:25 Brisk vaginal bleeding. Cervical exam unchanged.
07:28-07:38 OR tracing.
Outcome -Delivery by c-section. -Female, weight 3219 gm -Apgars 2 and 9 -Arterial pH 7.23 and Venous pH 7.28
Case G1 P0 39.6 weeks SROM @ 0800 arrived at hospital @1640 SVE 1/1/-3 GBS positive G1p0 39.6 SROM @ 0800 arrived at hospital @1640 SVE 1/1/-3
Admission T 36.9, HR-98 R 16 B/P 122/77 This is the admission tracing. Patient states that she ruptured her membranes at 0800 this morning and has having contractions every 5 minutes. She reports some small spotting and notes fetal movement. The plan is to start ATB (PCN G )because she is GBS positive and Pitocin augmentation because she is 1/1/-3 after being ruptured for 8 hours. Baseline 150 moderate variability
1939 T 39.1 Baseline fhr 170 Pitocin not started due to FHR and contraction pattern
2037 Nursing documentation recorded as: FHR baseline 170, moderate variability no acceleration and no decelerations. Contractions regular every 1.5-2 minutes, moderate intensity Do you agree? PCN G stopped and Amp/ Gent started for temp 39.1
2119 4/C/-2 Requesting epidural at this time
2226 Spinal dose B/P 122/63 Spontaneous tachysystole Interventions Reposition IV fluid bolus remember she is febrile and laboring will need extra fluid left shift in the oxygen dissociation curve Spinal dose B/P 122/63
2242 B/P 122/64
2256 B/P 82/54
2302 B/P 100/52
2312 AROM forebag@2309 B/P 95/50 Cord compression check for prolapsed cord Reposition B/P 95/50
2322 B/P 119/65 R lateral tilt FHR 180 variables Plan to continue to monitor and place an IUPC for amnioinfusion if variables don’t go away
2352 Continuation of tracing until 0006
0006 Con’t tracing Amnio infusion started
0106 8/C/O OP T 38.3
0116 Continued tracing Pay attention to the baseline. (170) Prolonged deceleration on next slide
0126-0132 Base line Variability What type of decelerations
0134-0139 Continued tracing
0202-0209 C/C/+2 OA T 38.0
0225-0230 Practice pushing
0238-0243 Pushing with every other contraction Pushing with ever other contraction
0246-0251 Continuing tracing pushing
0252-0257 Continuing tracing pushing
0259-0304 Continuing tracing
0305-0310 Vacuum on
0309-0316 Del @ 0316
Outcome VAVD @ 0316 Male 2.91 kg Apgars 3,7 to NICU for observation for sepsis Cord art. 7.03,81,6,-14 Cord ven. 7.05,76,16,-13