Raul Arambula, Dean, CCCCO Dolores Davison, ASCCC Vice President CLEP and IB Policies Raul Arambula, Dean, CCCCO Dolores Davison, ASCCC Vice President
Breakout Description In 2016, AB 1985 (Williams, 2016) required the Chancellor's Office and ASCCC to develop and required each district to adopt and implement a uniform policy on Advanced Placement (AP) credit. AB 1512 (Carrillo, 2019) is poised to amend AB 1985 to include International Baccalaureate. Further, to more clearly align CCC policies on external examination credit with CSU and in response to the proposed AB 1985 revisions, the Chancellor's Office is encouraging colleges to begin revising their AP credit policy to include CLEP and IB. Join us to learn more about AB 1512, the current recommendations of the Chancellor's Office, and what your college can do to respond.
What is AB 1985? Article 9. Advanced Placement Credit 79500. (a) The office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall, in collaboration with the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, do both of the following: (1) Commencing January 1, 2017, begin development of, and each community college district subsequently shall begin adoption and implementation of, a uniform policy to award a pupil who passes an Advanced Placement examination course credit for California Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum, California State University General Education Breadth, or local community college general education requirements, as appropriate for the pupil’s needs, in a course with subject matter similar to that of the Advanced Placement examination. (2) Periodically review and adjust the policy adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) to align it with policies of other public postsecondary educational institutions. (b) If the policy to be adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) is not implemented for the entering class in the fall 2017 academic term, the California Community Colleges shall adopt and implement, commencing with the 2017–18 academic year, the Advanced Placement policy adopted by the California State University. (c) Each community college campus shall post on its Internet Web site the most recent policy adopted pursuant to this section.
How Was AB1985 Enacted? Colleges either developed their own crosswalks or defaulted to the CSU requirements around Advanced Placement scores. AP Examination Topic CCC Title 5 GE Area CCC CSU CSU GE Units Area GE Units Environmental Science Natural Sciences 4 B1 + B3 4 European History Social/Behavioral Sciences or Humanities 3 C2 or D6 3 French Language & Culture Humanities 3 C2. 3
Why is This Coming Back Up? New Legislation – AB 1512 (Carrillo, 2019) This bill would require the office of the chancellor, in collaboration with the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, to develop a policy relating to awarding academic credit for a score of 4 or more on an International Baccalaureate subject examination. The bill would require the policy to be developed under the bill to be implemented in time for the entering class in the fall 2020 academic term, and if that policy is not implemented, the bill would require the implementation, commencing with the 2020–21 academic year, of the International Baccalaureate policy adopted by the California State University. The bill would require that the most recent policy adopted under the bill be posted by each community college campus on its internet website.
Current Status Carrillo’s office was not able to move the bill forward thus far It is currently considered a two year bill, meaning that it is possible that it will be coming back (in current or amended format) next year.
To that end … 5C will be considering new Title 5 language Language currently being formulated for review by CCCCC (California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee) would revise Title 5 language to include the provision that in addition to policies regarding Advanced Placement (AP) scores, colleges would develop and maintain policies around International Baccalaureate (IB) and possibly around College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations.
New Title 5 Language Under Consideration Language currently under review of CCCCC (California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee) would revise Title 5 language to include the provision that in addition to policies regarding Advanced Placement (AP) scores, colleges would develop and maintain policies around International Baccalaureate (IB) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations.
Questions to Be Asking About IB and CLEP Concerns of local senate Curriculum, incl. articulation and impact on programs Min. quals. and hiring Student preparation, assessment and success Who needs to be involved in these considerations? How best to engage the whole college, and why is it in the best interests of the College? Michael
Academic and Professional Considerations Curriculum Graduation requirements Professional development Student preparation and success Associate degrees for transfer, baccalaureates degrees, others? Michael
ASCCC Positions Resolution 9.01 (S10): International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam Applicability to Associate Degree General Education Requirements Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a suggested system-wide policy template regarding the use of International Baccalaureate exams for meeting associate degree general education requirements and encourage local senates to consider this policy template for local adoption.
ASCCC Positions Resolution 9.04 (S10): College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exam Applicability to Associate Degree General Education Requirements Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges research the feasibility of a system-wide policy template regarding the use of CLEP exams for meeting associate degree general education requirements; Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a system-wide policy template regarding the use of CLEP exams for meeting associate degree general education requirements if the research shows it to be feasible; and Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the University of California and California State University systems to consider accepting CLEP exams for credit under the IGETC pattern in order to facilitate student transfer.
ASCCC Positions Both of the templates mentioned in these resolutions were approved by the body: The IB template was approved in SP 10 and is available here: https://asccc.org/resolutions/adopt-and-publicize-california-community-college-international-baccalaureate-list-and The CLEP Template was approved in SP 11 and is available here: https://asccc.org/resolutions/college-level-examination-program-clep-exam-equivalency-list
Chancellor’s Office Updates PCAH 7 Ed. Memo will be distributed in Fall 2019 and will be due to the Chancellor’s Office by October 31, 2019 Periodic Review will begin in January 2020
Questions? Thank You! For additional information, please email info@asccc.org