Where To With Our Learning This Term? Term 4, 2018
Reading We will continue: our Lexile reading with quizzes our Real Reading sessions Miss Marg’s Read To with Q&A Guided reading sessions and Running Records. The magazines and poetry have been packed away so we’ll focus on finding great novels that we can lose ourselves into each day. Your reading boxes have been put into alphabet order to make it easier to find your own, so put them back in order please.
Writing We will continue producing writing pieces – 1 per week or per fortnight. We’ll begin: Completing a story graph planner before each new piece Printing and publishing our writing Using an assessment rubric for each of our completed pieces Completing a weekly ‘editing experts’ exercise that will improve our understanding of sentence structure and punctuation. We will have choice over our topics for writing with resources to help us with ideas. We’ll learn about keeping the talk in our stories dynamic. ‘i-fines’ will still be a ‘thing’ in our room and we’ll start using ‘cap fines’ as well to remind ourselves of the importance of capital letters.
Spelling We will continue: Our weekly spelling tasks. Our weekly spelling test on Fridays. Word ladders We’ll begin: Doing spelling grids on day one. Including an extra choice activity in our weekly spelling – choosing from: Spelling Stickers, Vowels and Consonants, Spelling Sums, Syllable Stickers on day two.
Handwriting Speaking, Listening and Thinking We have new handwriting books – one sheet each week to be completed. Speaking, Listening and Thinking We will have a daily ‘Brain Gym’ task aimed at improving our visual, auditory and memory skills.
e-learning We’re now all used to how See Saw works so it’s time to put it to good educational use. Each week you’ll have See Saw tasks to complete when you come in after play. We will continue our use of Matific – 15 minutes per day and please jump on at home and keep up your maths skills.
Maths Our first topic is “Data and Statistics’. We will then move on to ‘Fractions Decimals and Percentages’, ‘Location’ and ‘Probability’ We’ll begin some ‘worded problem’ sessions where you work with one or two others on solving problems. We will go back to our 20 Sum Challenges. When we’ve completed our current book, we’ll move on to number 3 which is times tables. Term Four won’t have any new Brag Tags. Please work on any you haven’t earned yet.
Other Changes Most mornings we will not do fitness, but Brain Gym instead. We may sometimes go outside for a game if we’ve been working especially hard during the morning. We won’t use the placemats anymore. We’ll use the table place cards instead. Please treat them with respects and don’t play with them. They can ‘live’ in the caddies and collected each Friday.
Other Changes You’ll notice the containers on top of the bag boxes. This is to make accessing equipment and resources easier for you. Please don’t place your own ‘stuff’ on top of bag boxes. Any ‘stuff’ for Genius Hour is now in the games cupboard, which has had a big tidy and rearrange. Please keep it tidy and return equipment correctly. We now have ‘portable desks’. These can be used when you don’t need to sit at your tables, but need a quiet space to work on your own.
Other Changes The headphones are back – and in a new spot. Please keep tidy. The caddies have lots of new equipment highlighters, textas, rubbers, sticky tape, glue, grey leads – take care of it!! Caddy items are tools, not toys. Coloured paper has been moved down a shelf so you can reach it. Please use responsibly and don’t waste. Everyone now has a Learning Book 3 in their tubs. Finish 2 then take it home if you haven’t already.
Events Coming Up This Term Reconciliation SEDA Clinics Geelong Show Genius Hour Expo T20 Cricket PAT Assessment Art Show Swimming Miss Marg on Long Service Leave St Margaret’s Day Parish Fete Step Up Beach day Christmas