Chapter 14 Risk and resilience
Figure 14.1 Risk is the negative consequences from events; resilience is preventing, mitigating and recovering from these events
Figure 14.2 How failure is managed depends on its likelihood of occurrence and the negative consequence of failure
Figure 14.3 Operations and process resilience involves failure prevention, mitigating the negative consequences of failure and failure recovery
Figure 14.4 The sources of potential failure in operations
Figure 14.5 Fault-tree analysis for failure to replace filter when required
Figure 14.6 Bath-tub curves for three types of process
Figure 14.7 Procedure for failure modes effects analysis (FMEA)
Figure 14.8 A process map for the auto repair process
Figure 14. 9 Two views of maintenance costs Figure 14.9 Two views of maintenance costs. (a) One model of the costs associated with preventive maintenance shows an optimum level of maintenance effort. (b) If routine preventive maintenance tasks are carried out by operators and if the real cost of breakdowns is considered, the ‘optimum’ level of preventive maintenance shifts toward higher levels
Figure 14.10 A decision tree for mitigation when failure is not immediately obvious
Figure 14.11 Complaint value chain: (a) initial value chain and (b) with small improvements to each step
Figure 14.12 Recovery sequence for minimising the impact from failure