Welcome to Reception!
Staffing Miss Knights Mrs Burnham Miss Luyk Mrs Steadman Chestnut Oak Mrs Halsey – Small group support Mr George – PE Coach Mrs Shewbridge – Deputy Head/EY Leader Mrs Burley - SENCO Mr Walker - Headteacher
What we will do for you and your child... Care for your child’s individual needs. Nurture who they are. Help them learn to live socially. Teach them to read, write and understand the number system through topics they are interested in.
Our Curriculum…
Our Topics… Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Marvellous Me Nocturnal Animals Superheroes Dinosaurs At the Seaside Julia Donaldson Nursery Rhymes Christmas New Beginnings We aim to create our topics around the children’s interests. All areas of learning are covered across these topics.
A Growth Mindset/ School Values We are aiming for children to develop their own ‘Growth Mindset’. This is also linked to our half-termly values that we celebrate as an entire school. (These are on website) We encourage children to accept and thrive on challenge and to be keen learners. We give lots of praise for EFFORT, not necessarily for result. …yet! Class pet (mouse – to be named) will be sent home to children who show a growth mindset.
Learning Journals To record your child’s learning and successes we keep Learning Journals online using ‘Tapestry’. Photographs and videos will be used in most observations. You are able to view, comment and publish your own observations from home using a computer or tablet. Please ensure you have left an email address. Then follow the link to activate your account.
What do we do in Reception?
Child Led/Adult Led learning Whole class learning e.g. writing, maths or phonics Follow up directed activities 1:1 support Guided reading Child led Free flow ‘ChIL’ Fingerstrong Adult and Child led Woodwork Forest Schools
Pre-Writing Skills Developing postural control/gross motor skills Activities that involve strengthening the muscles in their shoulders and upper arms. Developing grasp/fine motor skills
Pre-Writing Skills Example activities Gross Motor (Postural control) Fine Motor (Well-developed hands and grasps) Playground- climbing frames, swings etc. Building blocks and other construction e.g. Lego Tug-of-war Pegboards Yoga, Gymnastics or Swimming Lacing or threading activities Wiping tables Using tweezers or tongs Hula hooping Dressing up – buttons, laces and zips Bench presses and pulls Playdough!
Pencil grip
Woodwork Breathe!!! It is completely safe!!! Woodwork provides a unique learning experience for young children. It encompasses creative thinking, maths skills, scientific investigation, physical development and coordination, developing language and vocabulary, and much more. It can build self esteem and confidence through being empowered to use real tools, by being given some responsibility, accomplishing tasks that they initially feel to be challenging, gaining new skills and taking pride in their creations. Children are taught skills and resources with the teacher (1:1) When ready, they take part in small groups (1:4 max) during ChIL.
Woodwork (pictures)
Forest Schools Takes place every other Tuesday in our Wildlife Garden (on site) Parent helpers are much appreciated! We go out in all weathers so children need to be prepared. Children can use their named wellies that they keep at school. All information is in your letter. This will also be on our website. Please read it carefully and ask us anything
Forest Schools (see letter for more info) Chestnut Oak Autumn 1 1.10.19 8.10.19 15.10.19 22.10.19 Autumn 2 5.11.19 12.11.19 19.11.19 26.11.19 3.12.19 10.12.19 Spring 1 7.1.20 14.1.20 21.1.20 28.1.20 4.2.20 11.2.20 Spring 2 25.2.20 3.3.20 10.3.20 17.3.20 24.3.20 31.3.20 Summer 1 28.4.20 5.5.20 12.5.20 19.5.20 Summer 2 2.6.20 9.6.20 16.6.20 23.6.20 30.6.20 7.7.20 Forest Schools (see letter for more info)
PE/PD (Physical Development) PD structured activities with class teacher on alternate Tuesdays (when not at Forest Schools) Structured PE lessons with Mr George on a Thursday morning (in small groups) Continued through ChIL e.g. trim trail, bat and ball games, bikes etc. Children will not change for PE until after Christmas. Please encourage your child to practise undressing and dressing to prepare.
Encouraging Independence It is an essential life skill that needs to be nurtured from an early age. Children thrive in a healthy environment where they have opportunities to do more and more for themselves. When children are supported and encouraged to think for themselves, they are more able to make choices and decisions and to start to develop their own thoughts and views. It also develops their internal motivations and curiosity about the world. Please help us to encourage independence. Putting on coats and jumpers/cardigans Going to the toilet (including fastenings) Walking into school Follow their lead (from time to time!!)
Show and Tell The children will get the opportunity for show and tell. This should be something to do with the topic or a visit they have had. It should not be a toy. The rota will go up in the classroom window and on the class pages (website). Each team colour is allocated a week. Begins 16/9/19 with Yellow team. Please help us to keep to our rota.
Parent Helpers Please see the ladies in the office if you would like to be a parent helper! We can offer DBS checks. Let us know (via form) if you would like to be a regular helper or if only occasionally. We welcome support for… Weekly book changers Lunchtime assistance Forest Schools Help in classroom during ChIL. 1:1 Reading, Woodwork, Gardening etc. Odd jobs!
For any sheets that we send home. Home Learning We ask that you help us to consolidate learning by doing these three things with your child at home. Reading Learning Log (Pink book) Busy Folder (Green folder) At least three times a week. Please write in the ‘Reading Record’ when you have read so that the books can be changed. We will send home a ‘menu’ of homework choices each half term. Please do at least one. We will give you a date to return the books back to us. For any sheets that we send home. High Frequency Words Phonics letters Number formation Letter formation Unfinished work
Year 6 Partners Your child will be paired up with a ‘partner’ from Year 6. Every week we meet with our partners to do fun activities! E.g. reading, visiting the library, puzzles, maths games and more! This has been very successful in the past and has played a crucial part in growing the children’s confidence and social skills. They also have a familiar face and support at lunchtime! We treat our partners very well, you don’t have to!!
Phonics Blending for reading – putting sounds together to make a word. Phoneme - the shortest sound a letter can make. We usually call them sounds, sometimes we call them phonemes. Digraph - 2 letters one sound. Eg, ai, as in rain Trigraph - 3 letters one sound. eg. ‘air’ as in hair. Blending for reading – putting sounds together to make a word.
Phonics Sound button, under each phoneme to help identify the separate sound, a line for digraphs etc. Fill this cart.
b and d Tricky letters to recognise and write We help the children by using ‘honey b’ and curly ‘c goes into d’
Tricky Words and High Frequency Words Words that cannot be decoded, words we read frequently. E.g. I to no go the Have to be recognised not sounded out. Will be sent home on sheets with key words when children are ready. They are kept in ‘Busy Folders’.
How you can help us… Ensure all your child’s clothing is named. Write in lower case letters with your child. School is busy and great fun! You are going to have a very tired child this term! We are ‘sorry-not-sorry’ if uniform is messy (we do our best!) Tell your child their plans for the day. Gun play Keep talking to us! Ask questions. We are a team Earrings and long hair tied back
Free School Meals/Pupil Premium Go online to see if you are eligible. Please read attached letter (this is on the school website) If you are, your child can get support e.g. free milk, uniform, clubs etc. Please do this ASAP. You must also email Mrs Murray confidentially if you find your child is eligible.
Important Dates Please check our school website, classroom windows and emails for important dates. These include Forest Schools, Stay and Play, Nativities, Headteacher Coffee Mornings etc.
Thank you for listening Any questions?