Change Table Style Click the table that you want to apply a different table style to. Click Design tab Choose desired style
Change Table Layout Click the table on slide that you want to apply a different table style Click Layout tab Choose Desired Format
ဆောင်ရွက်မည့်အချိန်ကာလ Time Schedule စဉ် အကြောင်းအရာ ဆောင်ရွက်မည့်အချိန်ကာလ မှတ်ချက် ၁ Developing Prototype System (11/2016 ) To (12/2016) DTPC,DTVET ၂ Discussing useful Data and receiving advise on school map (prototype system) 1/2017 DTPC, DHE, DBE, DTVET, DERPT ၃ Restructuring Database Design and upgrading to Real School Mapping System (2/2017) (3/2017) DTPC, DTVET ၄ Discussing and Modifying Real School Mapping System (4/2017) ၅ Training for School Mapping System (5/2017) ၆ Data Entry for school Information (6/2017) Uni, TU, CU, GTC, GTI, GTHS, TEO ၇ Monitoring and Checking School Information DBE, DHE, DTVET
Group Name Description Rows & Columns To Insert or Delete rows & columns Merge To merge cell Cell Size To change cell size Alignment To change alignment in a cell
Insert Chart Click Insert Chart icon on the table (or) Click Insert tab Click chart Insert Chart dialog box will appear Choose chart type Click OK Microsoft Excel application box will appear
Changing Y-Axis Value Right-Click Y-Axis Value in your chart Choose Format Axis Format Axis dialog box will appear Type : Maximum value, Minimum value and Major unit value
Cont’d When you insert a chart three additional tabs will appear Design tab: Change Chart Type, Edit Data, Change Chart Style, etc. Layout tab: Chart Title, Axis Titles, Legend etc Format tab: Shape Fill, Shape Outline, Shape Effect etc.
Insert Smart Art Graphic Click Insert SmartArt Graphic icon on the slide (or) Click Insert tab Choose Smart Art SmartArt dialog box will appear Choose require type in the SmartArt box Click OK
Consider When Choosing a Smart Art To Do This Use This Type Show non-sequential information List Show steps in a process or timeline Process Show a continual process Cycle Create an organization chart Hierarchy Show a decision tree Create connections Relationship Show how parts relate to a whole Matrix Show proportional relationships with the largest segment on the top or bottom Pyramid
Insert Picture from File Click Insert Picture from File icon on the slide (or) Click Insert tab Choose Picture Insert Picture dialog box will appear Locate the image file from the folder to where it is saved. Click Insert button
Format the Picture Select the picture that you want to change format Click Format tab Choose desired format
Insert Clip Art Click Insert Clip Art icon on the slide (or) Click Insert Tab and Choose Clip Art Clip Art Task Pane dialog box will appear on the right of screen Type text in the Search For box Click Go Click desired picture
Insert a Header and Footer Go to “Insert” then “Header and Footer” This dialog box allows you to add a date and time on the slide.
Cont’d You can also add date and time, slide number
Insert Movie & Sound Click the movie icon on the slide (or) Click Insert Tab Click Movie in Media Clips group Insert Movie Dialog box will appear Locate the media file where it is saved Click Open Button
Drawing Shapes …….. MOE Portal ……..