Miss Albrighton and Miss McGuckian, Mrs Weston, Mrs Kelly, Mrs Hall Welcome to Year 4 Our teachers are: Miss Albrighton and Miss McGuckian, Mrs Weston, Mrs Kelly, Mrs Hall and Mr Kitson
Uniform Water bottles Bags Fruit snack for break time and after school clubs Homework diaries Stage books No pencil cases
PE Kits Outdoor PE every Thursday Indoor PE on Wednesday for the first half term. Fridays after October half term. PE kit
Topics Autumn Term: WW2 Spring Term: Tudors Summer Term: Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Homework Sent home on Wednesday Back to school on Monday Spellings – Tested on 10 spellings a week Move on when achieved 8/10 Times tables Test on X (2/5/10/11/3/4/9/6/7/8/12) 20 mixed multiplication and division questions Move on when majority right https://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/math-trainer-multiply.html Maths homework – number fluency/telling the time Reading daily for 15 minutes
Reading Daily reading at home aloud to an adult Please write in your child’s reading record Comprehension questions bookmark – ask at least 3 different types of questions from the bookmark daily VIPERS
Guided Reading Daily VIPERS session before lunch time. Chapter a week deepening the understanding of their reading. Comprehensions First book – The lion, the witch and the wardrobe. (please don’t read at home if haven’t already – prediction)
Dates for your diary Buddy Assembly: 17th October Nightingales – 9:10 Owls – 2:30 Nightingales’ assembly: 3rd April 1:30 pm Nightingales’ parent share afternoon: 15th November Owls’ parent share afternoon: 24th April Owls’ assembly: 1st May Autumn term parents’ evening: 17th & 22nd October KS2 Carol concert: 18th December 6pm Year 4 Production: 7th & 9th July 6pm