WORKPACKAGE 5 DISSEMINATION Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region (Re@WBC) WORKPACKAGE 5 DISSEMINATION raising awareness for the role and significance of implementing HRS4R University of Montenegro Coventry, June 20-24, 2016
5.2 Designing and distributing of project promotional material Promotional material is published (brochures, bags, posters, pens…) Niš Nikšić
Distribution How to distribute it? Suggestions: Serbia? Albania? Bosnia? Montenegro EU?
5.3 Disseminating project results through events and public appearances Various events (info-days, open-days, Erasmus+ days, faculty/university boards…), appearances in media Thoughts and suggestions?
THINGS TO DO Each partner to nominate a person responsible for this activity by July 01, 2016 All the relevant info and data to be sent to Marija Krivokapic (UoM): Everything will be published on the project’s web page:
5.5 Establishing of a sustainable system of awards for young researchers “Precise award criteria are created and adequately formulated bylaws concerning the system of awards are adopted, in order to stimulate and motivate young researchers (prizes, promotional events, grants, etc.), with a tendency of further continuation of this practice, possibly leaving Career Development Centers in charge of it.” Each WB partner to submit a Report about the existing system of awards (for students, researchers, teachers, professors, administrative staff…) Report should also contain a suggestion how to improve the existing or introduce a new system of awards Report to be sent by December 15, 2016 Each WB partner to nominate a person in charge of reporting by September 10, 2016. Suggestions?