Conversion of the Eunuch


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Presentation transcript:

Conversion of the Eunuch Acts 8:26-40 Conversion of the Eunuch Philip was sent to the Eunuch (vv. 26-29) Philip preached Christ unto him (vv. 30-35) The Eunuch asked to be baptized (v. 36) 36 Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, "See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?" Philip asked if he believed (v. 37) The Eunuch was baptized (v. 38)

36 Now as they went down the road, they came to some water 36 Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, "See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?" Thayer: “kooluoo; to hinder, to prevent, to forbid Acts 8:36” Translated: “forbid” (Mt. 19:14; Acts 10:47) Translated: “withstand” (Acts 11:17) Hinder: “to cause delay, interruption, or difficulty in; hamper; impede: 2. to prevent from doing, acting, or happening; stop.” Hindrance: Something that stands in the way that keeps you from doing something

Perhaps Something is Hindering You (Stands Between)

What Hinders You?

Things That People Let Hinder What Hinders You? Things That People Let Hinder

Things That People Let Hinder Some Sin Don’t Want to Stop

Some Sin Don’t Want to Stop Repentance is to precede baptism (Acts 2:38) Repentance involves a change – stop the sin “This change of mind involves both a turning from sin and turning to God” (Vines) Fruits of repentance (Matt. 3:8) Compare: What Matt. 12:41 calls “repentance” Jonah 3:10 calls it “turning from evil” When no change – no repentance (Rev. 9:20-21) May not be ready to quit: Drinking / drugs Fornication / adultery Lying / Dishonesty Cursing / Rebellion

Things That People Let Hinder Some Sin Don’t Want to Stop Think Don’t Know Enough

Think Don’t Know Enough Think since still have much to learn about the Bible – not ready to be baptized Many were baptized after hearing one sermon Jews on Pentecost (Acts 2) Simon & Samaritans (Acts 8) The Eunuch (Acts 8) Saul (Acts 9; 22:16) Cornelius (Acts 10) Lydia (Acts 16) Jailer (Acts 16) Corinthians (Acts 18) Chances are – you know more now than many of these did when they obeyed!

Things That People Let Hinder Some Sin Don’t Want to Stop Think Don’t Know Enough Think Can’t Live Up to It

Think Can’t Live Up to It View of Christian life = perfection (know I will sin again –so can’t do it) Christian will sin (1 John 1:8-10) Not to condone or justify Fact is – will sin Will need forgiveness (vv. 7, 9) Difference in sinning - & practice of sin (3:6-9) Can live the Christian life If not, God is expecting the impossible (Rev. 2:10) Can do anything God expects (Phil. 4:13) Can be faithful, well pleasing (Col. 1:2, 10)

Things That People Let Hinder Some Sin Don’t Want to Stop Think Don’t Know Enough Think Can’t Live Up to It Think Have to be Perfect

Think Have to be Perfect Think have to become “perfect” or “good” before worthy to become a Christian Reason need to be a Christian – far from perfect – sinner All have sinned – Rom. 3:9, 23; Matt. 9:13) Become a sinner – at point of accountability (Rom. 7:9) Baptism is for remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16) Some of the 3,000 were murderers (Acts 2:23) Some of the Corinthians were homosexuals (1 Cor. 6:9-11) If one could become “perfect” or “right” before baptism – no need for baptism or repentance! If you are waiting until you are good enough – never will be baptized!

Things That People Let Hinder Some Sin Don’t Want to Stop Think Don’t Know Enough Think Can’t Live Up to It Think Have to be Perfect Don’t Understand What To Do

Don’t Understand What To Do May know the conditions, but not understand what each means May not understand: Repentance – [Change of mind – lead to change of life] Confession – [Acknowledgement of faith] (Rom. 10:9-10) Difference in understanding and: Knowing where all the verses are Being able to explain in great detail Eunuch understood enough to obey – when heard the message one time (Acts 8)

Things That People Let Hinder Some Sin Don’t Want to Stop Think Don’t Know Enough Think Can’t Live Up to It Think Have to be Perfect Don’t Understand What To Do Waiting For a Better Time – When Easier

Waiting For a Better Time – When Easier May think it will be easier to do at later time Another day may not be so hard When reach another phase of life – may not be as challenging When temptations are not as strong No better time than now! Yesterday – is past Tomorrow – may not come (Jas. 4:13-14) Today is all you have for sure (Heb. 3:7) Another time – may not be easier – but harder (Heb. 3:7)

Things That People Let Hinder Some Sin Don’t Want to Stop Think Don’t Know Enough Think Can’t Live Up to It Think Have to be Perfect Don’t Understand What To Do Waiting For a Better Time – When Easier Hypocrisy of Others

Hypocrisy of Others Discouraged from being a Christian – some are hypocrites It does affect others (Rom. 2:23) Assumes that all are hypocrites All are not hypocrites Some were liars – but not all (Acts 5:1-11) Some were fornicators – but not all (1 Cor. 5:1-13) Does not excuse you from responsibility Does the fact that some believers are hypocrites, mean you don’t have to believe (John 8:24)? How will that work in judgment (2 Cor. 5:10)? You will not be judged by the actions of others – but your own (Rom. 2:6)

Things That People Let Hinder Some Sin Don’t Want to Stop Think Don’t Know Enough Think Can’t Live Up to It Think Have to be Perfect Don’t Understand What To Do Waiting For a Better Time – When Easier Hypocrisy of Others Waiting Until No One Urging Them

Waiting Until No One Urging Them Determined not to change – as long as someone is suggesting that need to Every time someone urges them – more determined not to If ever do make move – it will be on their own Seems to confuse encouragement & freedom of choice We are to persuade others (2 Cor. 5:11) Obedience is a personal choice (Acts 2:40-41) There will always be those persuading you Will be people who care about you – want you to be saved If waiting until no one is urging you – time will never come

Things That People Let Hinder When There is Nothing Hindering What Hinders You? Things That People Let Hinder When There is Nothing Hindering

When There is Nothing Hindering When See the Need

When See the Need See there is SIN in your life Baptism is for remission of sins (Acts 2:38) Sin enters our life – when become accountable (Rom. 7:9) Sin separates from God (Isa. 59:1-2; Rom. 5:12) Lost now and will be eternally Can’t go to heaven (John 8:21; 1 Cor. 6:9-11) Will go to hell (Rev. 21:8; Rom. 6:23) Is there sin in your life? Old enough to sin – to violate the law of God? Know of sin in your life?

When There is Nothing Hindering When See the Need When Understand About Jesus

When Understand About Jesus Born of a virgin (Matt. 1:23) Lived sinless (Heb. 4:15) Son of God (Rom. 1:4) Died for our sins (1 Cor. 15:1-4) Raised from dead (Acts 2:24, 32)

When There is Nothing Hindering When See the Need When Understand About Jesus When Understand the Conditions

When Understand the Conditions Believe in Christ (John 8:24) Repent of past sin (Acts 2:38) Confess that I believe (Rom. 10:9-10; Acts 8:37) Be Baptized in water (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38)

When There is Nothing Hindering When See the Need When Understand About Jesus When Understand the Conditions When Perceive the Danger

When Perceive the Danger Christ could return (Matt. 24:34ff; 1 Thess. 5:1-2) You could die (Heb. 9:27)

When There is Nothing Hindering When See the Need When Understand About Jesus When Understand the Conditions When Perceive the Danger When Believe

When Believe Baptism is for the believer (Mark 16:16; Acts 8:36) Do you believe? Believe in Jesus (John 8:24)? Believe that he is the Son of God (Acts 8:37)?

When There is Nothing Hindering When See the Need When Understand About Jesus When Understand the Conditions When Perceive the Danger When Believe When Repent

When Repent Baptism is for those who repent (Acts 2:38) Repentance defined: Prompted by godly sorrow (2 Cor. 7:10) Is a change of mind Results in change of life (Rom. 6) Have you repented? Sorry for your sin because it is against God? Have you changed your mind? Are you ready to make a change in life?

Things That People Let Hinder When There is Nothing Hindering What Hinders You? Things That People Let Hinder When There is Nothing Hindering