Receiver operating characteristic curves show the diagnostic performance of the incremental CT protocol in the detection of lacunar infarction, without.


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Presentation transcript:

Receiver operating characteristic curves show the diagnostic performance of the incremental CT protocol in the detection of lacunar infarction, without adjusting for multiple readers. Receiver operating characteristic curves show the diagnostic performance of the incremental CT protocol in the detection of lacunar infarction, without adjusting for multiple readers. There is a statistically significant increase in the area under the curve with each incremental protocol (CTP versus CTA, P < .006, and CTP versus NCCT, P < .001). The dashed line indicates NCCT only; the dotted line, NCCT and CTA-SI; and the solid line, NCCT, CTA-SI, and CTP. T. Das et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2015;36:1069-1075 ©2015 by American Society of Neuroradiology