Multiple linear regression dependence on more than one variable e.g. dependence of runoff volume on soil type and land cover
With two independent variables, get a surface
Much like polynomial regression Sum of squared residuals
Rearrange to get Very much like normal equations for polynomial regression
Once again, solve by any matrix method Cholesky is appropriate - symmetric and positive definite
Example: Strength of concrete depends on cure time and cement/water ratio
Solve by Cholesky decomposition Backsubstitution
General least squares Given z are functions, e.g
Can express as and define Sr
As usual, take partials to minimize lead to matrix equations Solve this for [a] Cholesky LU or Gauss elimination Matrix inverse
Confidence intervals If we say the elements of are then
Use Excel to get t-distribution TINV(a,n-2)
Nonlinear regression Use Taylor series expansion to linearize original equation - Gauss Newton approach Let model be Where f is a nonlinear function of x are one of a set of n observations
Use Taylor series for f, and chop j - initial guess j+1 - improved guess
Plug the Taylor series into original equation
Given all n equations Set up matrix equation
Using same least squares approach (minimizing sum of squares of residuals E) Get from Now change with and do again until convergence is reached
Example: n=14
Model it with
Choose an initial a0=1, a1=-1 Matlab demo