Preparatory SCG meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Preparatory SCG meeting Ian Davey, Environment Agency WG C 10/11 Oct 2013

Prep Strategic Co-ordination Meeting Preparatory meetings before each SCG SCG prepares the Water Directors meetings (2 meetings per year) 1 lead from each WG to attend Ensure coordination across WG activities exchange of information about WG activities identify synergies and overlaps preparation of strategic discussions for the SCG meeting Methods of cooperation e.g. ‘light’ cooperation – keep SCG informed Resource intensive activities – request approval from SCG Improved co-ordination – and improved CIS products e.g. light cooperation agreements - SCG will be simply informed (exchange of documents for comments, inclusion of information or discussion points in the agenda of different Working Groups, joint or back-to-back meeting of Working Groups) or more resource-intensive activities, for which the SCG approval will be requested (e.g. creation of drafting groups with experts from various Working Groups or one-off meetings or workshops to discuss specific items). consider the most efficient use of time and resources attendance of at least one lead of each Working Group and (a) representative(s) from the Presidency in charge of organising the Water Directors meeting (usually the SCG member). Prep-SCG is not a decision body but a coordination tool Working Group leads are expected to liaise between them as necessary to ensure proper coordination of the activities of their respective groups.

Aim of 13 Sept meeting Present the respective mandates Identify areas which need coordination/input across WGs (links/synergies) Tentatively identify how coordination might be achieved Considered issues which could warrant a strategic discussion at SCG level

Group Group lead Contact point / responsible in ENV C1 Ecostat Wouter van de Bund (JRC), Sandra Poikane (JRC), Uli Claussen (DE), Peter Pollard (UK) Thomas Petitguyot Groundwater Balazs Horvath, Johannes Grath (AT), Ian Davey (UK) Balazs Horvath Chemicals Helen Clayton , Bernd Gawlik (JRC), Mario Carere (IT), Madalina David (RO) Helen Clayton Eflows Thomas Petitguyot, Victor Arqued (ES)/Teodoro Estrela, Thierry Davy (FR) Programmes of Measures Henriette Faergemann, Manuel Sapiano (MT), Tbc (EL), Tbc (DK) Henriette Faergemann Floods Jorge Rodriguez, Mark Adamson (IE), Barbro Näslund-Landenmark (SE) Jorge Rodriguez / Ioannis Kavvadas Agriculture Claire McCamphill, Susie Willows (UK) Claire McCamphill Science-Policy Interface Christos Fragakis (DG RTD), Fréderique Martini (FR) Christos Fragakis (DG RTD) Economics Jacques Delsalle, Thierry Davy (FR), Simon Scanlan (UK) Jacques Delsalle Data Information Sharing Jacques Delsalle, Beate Werner (EEA), Axel Borchmann (DE) Water Accounts Jacques Delsalle, Conchita Marcuello (ES)

Water status cluster - priorities Guidance on Ecological Flows (Eflow) by 2014 Completion of intercalibration by 2016 Heavily Modified Water Bodies(HMWB)/Ecological Potential, Coastal +Transitional waters, starting in 2013 Exchange of experience on Art. 5 analysis in 2013 in cooperation with the WG Data and Information Sharing under the cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination Follow up to the new Priority Substances Directive by 2014 Review and possible revision of the annexes to the Groundwater Directive by 2014

Chemicals Links with several groups identified Emphasised links to chemicals in groundwater Bernd Gawlik or Robert Laws from JRC will link with Groundwater group Quantification of pressures from chemical pollution e.g. diffuse agricultural pollution Identification of natural background concentrations Substance-specific and general measures BATNEEC, REACH, phasing out emissions Consistent risk management approaches e.g. drinking water, pharmaceuticals List of substances for Watch List; tech spec for monitoring Analytical methods for existing/new priority substances

Ecostat Groundwater impacts on hydromorphology and GEP E-flows Guidance on ecological flows, drought

Water management cluster - priorities Facilitating the implementation of the first cycle of the FD adoption of the first FRMPs in 2015 Share best practices on Programmes of Measures in 2013/2014 Shared analysis of the outcome of the CAP negotiations and follow needed up in 2013 Information exchange on funding for water-related measures outside CAP in 2013 Guidance on Natural Water Retention Measures by 2014 Share best practices on sustainable leakage and metering in 2013/2014 Commission proposal on Water re-use by 2015 Share best practices on hydromorphological pressures

Programmes of Measures 1st RBMPs – lots of analysis but not clear how resulted in PoMs..... Natural water retention measures Funding e.g structural, cohesion funds – so that measures are not just aspirational Climate checking (not ‘proofing’) Monitoring effectiveness of measures Other ‘orphan’ topics

Agriculture How to improve implementation Review new Art 5 assessments despite political concerns, CAP constraints, etc strengthen cooperation between relevant MS ministries/agencies Review new Art 5 assessments Tools for improved pressure assessment Measures needed over and above existing (basic and supplementary) Using GMES/COPERNICUS to address illegal water abstraction Impacts of derogations under Nitrates Dir on good status Pesticides approvals – link with Chemicals group and other DG PoMs group – if meetings can focus on particular issues will be easier to identify who should attend

Areas of potentially significant flood risk Floods Areas of potentially significant flood risk Flood hazard and risk maps Flood risk management plans Groundwater flooding, GWDTEs

Knowledge dissemination priorities Revision of Guidance on reporting for the 2nd RBMPs (by end of 2013) Exchange of experience on economic analysis under Art. 5 and on exemptions in 2013 Guidance on cost-recovery/cost-benefits by 20147 Guidance on Water Accounts by 20148 Concept paper on the long term vision for reporting, integrating freshwater policies (2014)

Knowledge Integration and Dissemination Ecosystem services accounting Review WATECO What geographical level Revised reporting guidance Streamline reporting Upgrading WISE Link reporting with development and implementation of PoMs Water balances hydroeconomic modelling Geolocalised database on thermal water use and discharges

General conclusions Links between WGs already extensive review and prioritisation of work important  Noted importance of role of the science / policy interface activity and how to make it work links between the FD/WFD Communicating progress towards objectives Focus on 'good‘ disguises a wide range of real improvements improved understanding from monitoring can lead to an apparent decline in classification - an issue for several MS

General proposals Considerations for establishing a peer review mechanism for improvement in WFD implementation [in the 2012 Blueprint] Guidance on update of Article 5 analysis Better identification of basic and supplementary measures How to improve communications of CIS outputs with those dealing with RBMPs at a local level

Proposals for SCG meeting The COM indicated that at the SCG on 30/9 they would provide updates to the meeting on: GWD annexes review, PoM assessment update Bilateral meetings re RBMPs Cohesion funds and regional policy Guidance on Natura 2000 and hydropower Consequences of repeal of fish and shellfish directives Issues identified by this group for the SCG will need to be clear on what is wanted - otherwise they won’t be taken on

Volunteers…! To link with other WG Make links with colleagues on other WGs in your MS

Group Group lead Contact point / responsible in ENV C1 Ecostat Wouter van de Bund (JRC), Sandra Poikane (JRC), Uli Claussen (DE), Peter Pollard (UK) Thomas Petitguyot Groundwater Balazs Horvath, Johannes Grath (AT), Ian Davey (UK) Balazs Horvath Chemicals Helen Clayton , Bernd Gawlik (JRC), Mario Carere (IT), Madalina David (RO) Helen Clayton Eflows Thomas Petitguyot, Victor Arqued (ES)/Teodoro Estrela, Thierry Davy (FR) Programmes of Measures Henriette Faergemann, Manuel Sapiano (MT), Tbc (EL), Tbc (DK) Henriette Faergemann Floods Jorge Rodriguez, Mark Adamson (IE), Barbro Näslund-Landenmark (SE) Jorge Rodriguez / Ioannis Kavvadas Agriculture Claire McCamphill, Susie Willows (UK) Claire McCamphill Science-Policy Interface Christos Fragakis (DG RTD), Fréderique Martini (FR) Christos Fragakis (DG RTD) Economics Jacques Delsalle, Thierry Davy (FR), Simon Scanlan (UK) Jacques Delsalle Data Information Sharing Jacques Delsalle, Beate Werner (EEA), Axel Borchmann (DE) Water Accounts Jacques Delsalle, Conchita Marcuello (ES)