“Maybe I will grow old too quickly. But I will fight so that each day is worthwhile. Maybe I will suffer innumerable disappointments throughout my life. But I will make them seem insignificant next to the gestures of love that I encounter.
“Maybe I won’t be able to achieve all of my dreams. But I will never consider myself defeated.
“Maybe I will suffer a terrible fall at some point. But I will not stare at the ground for too long.
“Maybe the sun will stop shining. But then I will go to bathe in the rain. Maybe one day I will suffer injustice. But I will never play the role of victim.
“Maybe I will have to confront a few enemies. But I will be humble enough to accept those hands that are extended in my direction.
“Maybe on one of those cold nights I shed many tears. But I will not be ashamed for that reaction.
“Maybe I will be hoodwinked many times. But I will not cease to believe that somewhere, someone deserves my trust.
“Maybe with time I will see that I have made many mistakes. But I will not stop on my journey.
“Maybe as time goes on I will lose great friendships. But I will learn that those who are my true friends will never be lost.
But I will continue to plant the seed of friendship wherever I may go. “Maybe some people will wish me ill. But I will continue to plant the seed of friendship wherever I may go.
But instead I will try to have the music follow my steps. “Maybe I was sad to realize that I could not follow the rhythm of the music. But instead I will try to have the music follow my steps.
But I will learn to make one, even if only in my heart. “Maybe I will never see a rainbow. But I will learn to make one, even if only in my heart.
“Maybe I will feel weak today. But tomorrow I will continue forward, even if through a different approach.
“Maybe I will not learn every lesson. But I will know that all of the true lessons are already engraved in my soul.
But I will be content with the other talents that I possess. “Maybe I will get sad because I do not know the lyrics to a song. But I will be content with the other talents that I possess.
“Maybe the desire to quit will become my companion. But instead of quitting, I will continue to chase that which I long for.
But I will not cease to be enlivened by small conquests. “Maybe I will not have much to celebrate. But I will not cease to be enlivened by small conquests.
“Maybe I am not the person that I would like to be. But I will learn to admire who I am, because in the end I will know that, even with great doubts, I am capable of building a better life.
“And if I am still not convinced, it is because, as the saying goes: ‘the best is yet to come.’
“Because in the end there will not be a “maybe”, but rather the certainty that my life was worthwhile and that I did the best that I could.”
Aristotle Onassis 21.05.06
The end
Dear friends: It pleases me to share these passages, images, and remembrances which I have received and that I know you will appreciate. Those whose authors are known have the pertinent credit reflected; your comments and feedback through the forums that are reflected here will be valued. The distribution of these materials is free and without any commercial purpose. Nonetheless, those of you who do not wish to continue receiving them can note your desire in the appropriate space in this message. It is my intent, however, to promote culture and traditions in a positive manner. Regards, Demetrio Pérez Jr. Listen to Demetrio Pérez Jr’s commentaries, which are broadcast each day on WAQI 710 AM and on