Holy Cross Primary School Induction Afternoon 1
Welcome to Holy Cross Primary School This presentation aims to provide an introduction to Holy Cross Primary School and includes initial information which we hope you will find useful. Should you have any further questions, staff will be happy to discuss these with you. The information in this presentation will also be included on the school website. The school website www.holycross-pri.glasgow.sch.uk is kept up to date with the latest news and events and has lots more information about our school.
Induction Meetings Welcome to Holy Cross Primary The Primary One Curriculum – Thursday 9th June Literacy and English Event – Term 1 Numeracy and Maths Event – Term 1 Parents’ Choice Question/Answer session – Term 2
Our School School Roll 541 20 classes Teaching Staff 12 Support for 28.5 Teachers Learning Workers 1.6 EAL Teachers 3 Clerical Staff 1.0 Nurture Teacher Dining Hall Staff Big Noise Musicians Cleaning Staff
Management Team Mr Carr
Management Team Mrs Healy
Management Team Mrs Gray
Management Team Miss Collins
Management Team Mrs Baillie
Management Team Miss Collum
Management Team Miss MacCormick
Primary 1 Teachers Mrs Brandsma
Primary 1 Teachers Miss Hamilton
Primary 1 Teachers Miss Gallacher
Proposed Classes 4 Primary 1 Classes 25 children maximum
School Prayer God our Father, Help me to care for all the pupils in our school, by what I do and what I say. Help me to use my talents to fill this school with love and happiness. Guide and inspire our teachers. Grant wisdom and patience to our parents and encourage all of us to grow in your love. Amen
CURAMUS – We Care Care for everyone in Holy Cross. Understand each other. Respect all our community. Always give 100%. Manners are always in style. Use your talents wisely. Smile school is fun.
The School Day Monday 15th August – 9am- 11am – P1a 9.15am – 11.15am P1b 9.30am – 11.30am – P1c 9.45am -11.45am – P1d Parents and children assemble in the hall and will be invited into class, in small groups.
The School Day Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th of August 2016 times as Monday 15th. Parents and children assemble in the hall before going to class. Please collect your child from the hall at the specified time as above.
The School Day From Thursday 18th until Friday 2nd September 9am – 12.15pm Children will line up at 9am in the playground. They will be dismissed from the playground at 12.15pm.
The School Day From Monday 5th September 2016 9am-3pm Children will attend the school until 3pm each day.
The School Day SCHOOL HOURS School starts 9am – the children line up in the yard. Playtime – 10.30am- 10.45am Lunchtime – 12.15pm – 1.05pm. Please inform your child’s class teacher if he/she will be going home for lunch. School day ends at 3pm – the children will be dismissed to the playground.
Early Entry
Attendance Procedures in case of absence: Glasgow's mainstream primary and secondary schools operate a generic pupil absence reporting phone line during the school week. If you have to report your child off school for any reason then you should phone 0141 287 0039 and provide the details requested by the operator. The operator will then make sure the information is passed on to your child's school.
Attendance SMS Text System Letter Appointments
Extended Leave
Lunch Time Options: Dining Hall Packed Lunch Home Lunch
Lunch Time Options: Dining Hall Packed Lunch Home Lunch
Dining Hall
Dining Hall
Dining Hall
Dining Hall
Packed Lunch Sandwiches Wraps Crackers and Cheese Leftovers Fruit Vegetables Yoghurt Water Juice
Home Lunch
Breakfast Club £2 Pupils have a choice of cereal Toast with spread and/or preserve Fruit Fairtrade orange juice
Uniform – Dressing for Excellence
Uniform – Dressing for Excellence White shirt Green Jumper/Cardigan Green skirt Blazer Grey trousers School tie Black shoes
PE Kit – Dressing for Excellence Yellow Holy Cross Polo Shirt Bottle Green Shorts Black Sandshoes Gym Bag
Labelling Label Everything!!!
Communication Texts Email Twitter School Website Telephone Calls Newsletters
Getting in Touch …. your child is going to be late. … your child is ill. … your child has been away from school for any reason. … your child is going on holiday during term time. … you are going to be late picking up your child. … your home or family circumstances change.
Getting in Touch If your child has an accident or is ill at school we shall make every effort to contact you, or failing that your emergency telephone number. Please tell us if these numbers change, or if you move house or change your place of employment. Should we be unable to make contact for any reason, we will act in your child’s best interests.
Primary 7 Buddies • Breaks/lunchtime in Term 1. • A friendly face to help settle. • Play games. • Help with snacks. • Encourage them to be independent.
Nursery Visits
Health Checks Eyesight Height Weight Dentist
Behaviour Expectations Holy Cross Primary School is committed to providing a safe, supportive environment for all adults and children working within the school. Everyone has a right to work and learn in an atmosphere that is free from victimisation and fear. "Children have the right to protection from all forms of violence (physical or mental). They must be kept safe from harm and they must be given proper care by those looking after them.” [The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 19]
Behaviour Expectations Encourage children to talk about what is happening in school, both socially and academically. Take an active interest in their friendships. Differentiate between minor fall outs and disagreements, one-off incidents and those incidents which can be categorised as ‘bullying’. Children routinely disagree with one another and fall in and out of friendship groups. The key to differentiating is when a pattern begins to form or when your child is unhappy for a period of time. Focus on facts Inform the school immediately if you think there is a problem. Watch out for signs of stress. Encourage your child to speak to a member of school staff Help your child develop strategies for protecting against people who display bullying behaviour e.g. using their voice and body language. Work in partnership with the school to solve problems
Behaviour Expectations
Behaviour Expectations
Behaviour Expectations
Behaviour Expectations
Support for Learning All children and young people need support to help them learn. Some children require support that is in addition to, or different from, children or young people of the same age to ensure they benefit from education. If your child has a specific support need, the school will plan together with you and other appropriate agencies (for example health services, social work) to meet your child's learning and support needs. Planning is particularly important at transition points, for example when moving from nursery to primary school or from primary to secondary school. It is important that schools and local authorities start planning for these transitions early.
Meet the Teacher
Class Assemblies
Class Assemblies
Class Assemblies
Parent Council
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
Top Tips
A Poem for Starting School Dear Parent, I understand that you are scared to wave your child goodbye and leave him in a teacher’s hands don’t worry if you cry!
A Poem for Starting School I’m used to weeping parents It’s hard to leave I know. But it’s time to share him (just a bit) To help him learn and grow.
A Poem for Starting School Let me reassure you That I’ll give your child my best I’ll wipe his tears, soothe his fears And change his dirty vest!
A Poem for Starting School If your darling child is full of cold I’ll blow their nose all day Just like you, I’ll care for them In a special way.
A Poem for Starting School I’ll treat him like I would my own I’ll catch him from a fall and If there is ANY problem I’ll be sure to tell you all.
A Poem for Starting School It’s true he’ll grow to love us They’ll talk of school a lot It doesn’t mean they hate you And that you should lose the plot!.
A Poem for Starting School I’ll tell you a secret.. That when your child is here They talk to me as much of you Of this please have no fear.
A Poem for Starting School You’ll always be their parent Whilst teachers come and go To them you are their number one This I truly know.
A Poem for Starting School Soon you’ll see some changes In your little girl or boy They’ll become more independent And to see this, it’s a joy!
A Poem for Starting School I’ll teach them all I have to give To share, climb and to write But to you they safely will return To tuck them in at night. With love from a teacher…
A Poem for Starting School You’ll always be their parent Whilst teachers come and go To them you are their number one This I truly know.