06 | Mapping Areas and Detecting Objects Chris Howd | Developer Content Planner, MS Paul Pardi | AppPlat Content Manager, MS
Module Overview Functional Requirements for Mapping an Area Positioning and Calibrating Distance Sensors Demo – Measurement calibration and filtering Calibrating Wheel Movements Demo – Calibrated moves and rotations Coordinates and Object Detection Demo – It is alive!
Functional Requirements for Mapping an Area
Functional Requirements for Mapping an Area External and/or internal reference systems Movement and tracking orientation Coordinates, boundaries, and object mapping
Positioning and Calibrating Distance Sensors Sensor mounting and positioning Why calibrate sensors? Methods for calibrating sensors and filtering
Measurement calibration and filtering
Calibrating Wheel Movements
Calibrating Wheel Movements Why calibrate linear movements? Provides awareness and control Enables faster movements Why calibrate angular movements? Helps the robot to keep track of its orientation Speeds up the process of verifying orientation Speeds up the process of turning to face a direction
Calibrated moves and rotations
Coordinates and Object Detection
Coordinates and Object Detection Select a local point of reference Choose a coordinate system Align to the axes of your coordinate system Map the area and object coordinates Detecting new objects
It is alive!
Review We discussed coordinate systems and requirements for mapping We talked about positioning sensors and the types of errors that sensor readings can include. We showed you how to calibrate a sensor and how to calibrate DC gearmotors so that we get consistent linear and angular movements We finished up with a demonstration of our MSGuard-Bot mapping an area and then detecting and deactivating our MSBug-Bot when we added it to the area.