John Chapter 4 Jesus came as more than a sacrifice, Jn. 4:1-4 Taught & prepared for kingdom, Jn. 4:1, 2; Mk. 1:38; 1 Cor. 1:14-16 Avoided premature hindrance
John Chapter 4 Jesus worked to instill faith in men His words: Revelation His miracles: Confirmation
John Chapter 4 Samaritans Nobleman
John Chapter 4 Samaritans Woman saw Jesus as a Jew, 4:5-9 Physical need of Jesus, Mt. 21:18 Broke taboos Bad relations, Lk. 10:25; 9:51-53
John Chapter 4 Samaritans Quickly gained respect – “Sir,” 4:10-15 Gift of God, Acts 2:38 Who it is, Col. 1:16 Spiritual need of woman Greater than Jacob, Mt. 1:23 Temporary VS. Eternal
John Chapter 4 Samaritans Views Jesus as a prophet, 4:16-26 Moral sin, 4:16-18 Question: dodge or legitimate?
John Chapter 4 Samaritans Views Jesus as a prophet, 4:16-26 Doctrinal sin Worship not geographical False worship of Samaritans True worship of Jews Spirit: love, Rom. 2:28, 29 Truth: law, Heb. 8:2-6 God is spirit, Acts 17:24, 25
John Chapter 4 Samaritans Views Jesus as a prophet, 4:16-26 The Word stirs our conscience Messiah, 4:25, 26
John Chapter 4 Samaritans Believes Jesus is Christ, 4:27-42 Woman urges others Jesus exhorts disciples Driving force, Mt. 4:4 Do God’s will Steadfastly, Phil. 2:12 Courageously, Heb. 10:32-39
John Chapter 4 Samaritans Believes Jesus is Christ, 4:27-42 Woman urges others Jesus exhorts disciples Fields white to harvest Sower & Reaper rejoice Home & abroad Unlikely places, people Word has power
John Chapter 4 Samaritans Believes Jesus is Christ, 4:27-42 Many Samaritans believe Based on woman’s word Samaritans urge Him Lk. 4:24-30; Jn. 8:58, 59 Based on personal investigation Are others more desirous than us?
John Chapter 4 Nobleman Nobleman appeals to Jesus, 4:46-49 Nobleman: upper society Jesus: lower society Desperate father Mild rebuke
John Chapter 4 Nobleman Jesus heals his son - belief, 4:50-54 Healed at Jesus’ will No fancy ceremony No payment required No homage paid No delay Whole house believes
John Chapter 4 Samaritans Nobleman
John Chapter 4 Jesus came as more than a sacrifice, Jn. 4:1-4 Taught & prepared for kingdom, Jn. 4:1, 2; Mk. 1:38; 1 Cor. 1:14-16 Avoided premature hindrance
John Chapter 4 Jesus worked to instill faith in men His words: Revelation His miracles: Confirmation