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Presentation transcript:

PROCESSORS & CONTROLLERS Course code : 15 EM 2202 L – T – P : 2 – 2 – 2 Pre Requisite : 15 EC 1101 Credits : 4

PROCESSORS AND CONTROLLERS 8086 Microprocessor: Introduction to Microprocessor, Intel Microprocessor families ,8086 Microprocessor architecture, Register Organization, Pin Description, Physical Memory Organization, Modes of operation. 8086 Instruction set & Assembly Language programming: Addressing modes, Instruction set, Assembler directives, simple Programs, Procedures and Macros, 8086 Interrupts.

PROCESSORS AND CONTROLLERS 8051 Microcontroller: Microcontroller families, 8051 Architecture, Signal Description, Register organization, Internal RAM, Special Function Registers, Interrupt control flow, Timer/Counter Operation, Serial Data Communication, and RS-232C Standard.8051 Programming & Interfacing: Addressing modes, Instruction set, Simple Programs involving Arithmetic and Logical Instructions, Timers/Counters, Serial Communication & Interrupts.

PROCESSORS AND CONTROLLERS PIC Microcontroller: Introduction, Architectural overview, Memory organization, interrupts and reset, I/O ports, Timers. Interfacing: Matrix Key Board, Stepper Motor, LCD’s, DAC & ADC. using 8051 and PIC Microcontroller.

Microcontroller 8051

Microprocessor(µP) & Microcontroller(µC) Microprocessor is an integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a computer. Microcontroller is a control device which incorporates a microprocessor. A system designer has to add them externally to make them functional. Application of Microprocessor includes Desktop PC's, Laptops, notepads etc. Microcontroller has a CPU, in addition with a fixed amount of RAM, ROM and other peripherals all embedded on a single chip.

General-Purpose Microprocessor System Microprocessor(µP) General-purpose microprocessor CPU for Computers No RAM, ROM, I/O on CPU chip itself Example:Intel’s x86, Motorola’s 680x0 Many chips on mother’s board Data Bus CPU General-Purpose Micro-processor Serial COM Port I/O Port Intel’s x86: 8086,8088,80386,80486, Pentium Motorola’s 680x0: 68000, 68010, 68020,68030,6040 RAM ROM Timer Address Bus General-Purpose Microprocessor System

Microcontroller(µC) A single chip A smaller computer On-chip RAM, ROM, I/O ports... Example:Motorola’s 6811, Intel’s 8051, Zilog’s Z8 and PIC 16X CPU RAM ROM A single chip Serial COM Port I/O Port Timer Microcontroller

Differences between µP & µC S.No. Microprocessor Microcontroller 1 Microprocessor is heart of Computer system. Micro Controller is a heart of embedded system. 2 It is just a processor. Memory and I/O components have to be connected externally Micro controller has external processor along with internal memory and I/O components 3 Since memory and I/O has to be connected externally, the circuit becomes large. Since memory and I/O are present internally, the circuit is small. 4 Cannot be used in compact systems and hence inefficient Can be used in compact systems and hence it is an efficient technique

Differences between µP & µC S.No. Microprocessor Microcontroller 5 Cost of the entire system increases Cost of the entire system is low 6 Since memory and I/O components are all external, each instruction will need external operation, hence it is relatively slower. Since components are internal, most of the operations are internal instruction, hence speed is fast. 7 Most of the microprocessors do not have power saving features. Most of the micro controllers have power saving modes like idle mode and power saving mode. This helps to reduce power consumption even further.

Differences between µP & µC S.No. Microprocessor Microcontroller 8 Microprocessor have less number of registers, hence more operations are memory based. Micro controller have more number of registers, hence the programs are easier to write. 9 Microprocessors are based on von Neumann model/architecture where program and data are stored in same memory module Micro controllers are based on Harvard architecture where program memory and Data memory are separate 10 Mainly used in personal computers Used mainly in washing machine, MP3 players

Comparison of the 8051 Family Members Feature 8051 8052 8031 ROM (Code memory) 4 kB 8 kB - RAM (Data memory) 128 256 Timers 2 3 I/O Pins 32 Serial port 1 Interrupt 6 8 versatility 多用途的: any number of applications for PC

Block Diagram of 8051 External interrupts On-chip ROM for program code Timer/Counter Interrupt Control On-chip RAM Timer 1 Counter Inputs Timer 0 CPU Serial Port Bus Control 4 I/O Ports OSC P0 P1 P2 P3 TxD RxD Address/Data

Internal Architectural view of 8051

Pin Description of the 8051 8051 (8031) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 RST (RXD)P3.0 (TXD)P3.1 (T0)P3.4 (T1)P3.5 XTAL2 XTAL1 GND (INT0)P3.2 (INT1)P3.3 (RD)P3.7 (WR)P3.6 Vcc P0.0(AD0) P0.1(AD1) P0.2(AD2) P0.3(AD3) P0.4(AD4) P0.5(AD5) P0.6(AD6) P0.7(AD7) EA/VPP ALE/PROG PSEN P2.7(A15) P2.6(A14) P2.5(A13) P2.4(A12) P2.3(A11) P2.2(A10) P2.1(A9) P2.0(A8) 8051 (8031)

Pin Description of the 8051 Vcc(pin 40): Vcc provides supply voltage to the chip. The voltage source is +5V. GND(pin 20):ground XTAL1 and XTAL2(pins 19,18)

Pin Description of the 8051 Using a quartz crystal oscillator We can observe the frequency on the XTAL2 pin. C2 30pF C1 XTAL2 XTAL1 GND

Pin Description of the 8051 RST(pin 9):reset It is an input pin and is active high(normally low). The high pulse must be high at least 2 machine cycles. It is a power-on reset. Upon applying a high pulse to RST, the microcontroller will reset and all values in registers will be lost. Reset values of some 8051 registers

Pin Description of the 8051 Vcc + 10 uF 31 EA/VPP X1 30 pF 19 11.0592 MHz 8.2 K X2 18 30 pF RST 9

Pin Description of the 8051 /EA(pin 31):External access There is no on-chip ROM in 8031 and 8032 . The /EA pin is connected to GND to indicate the code is stored externally. /PSEN & ALE are used for external ROM. For 8051, /EA pin is connected to Vcc. “/” means active low. /PSEN(pin 29):program store enable This is an output pin and is connected to the OE pin of the ROM.

Pin Description of the 8051 ALE(pin 30):address latch enable It is an output pin and is active high. 8051 port 0 provides both address and data. The ALE pin is used for de-multiplexing the address and data by connecting to the G pin of the 74LS373 latch. I/O port pins The four ports P0, P1, P2, and P3. Each port uses 8 pins. All I/O pins are bi-directional.

Pin Description of the 8051 The 8051 has four I/O ports Port 0 (pins 32-39):P0(P0.0~P0.7) Port 1(pins 1-8) :P1(P1.0~P1.7) Port 2(pins 21-28):P2(P2.0~P2.7) Port 3(pins 10-17):P3(P3.0~P3.7) Each port has 8 pins. Ex:P0.0 is the bit 0 (LSB) of P0 Ex:P0.7 is the bit 7 (MSB)of P0 These 8 bits form a byte. Each port can be used as input or output (bi-direction). Program is to read data from P0 and then send data to P1

Pin Description of the 8051 Each pin of I/O ports Internal CPU bus:communicate with CPU A D latch store the value of this pin D latch is controlled by “Write to latch” Write to latch=1:write data into the D latch 2 Tri-state buffer. TB1: controlled by “Read pin” Read pin=1:read the data present at the pin TB2: controlled by “Read latch” Read latch=1:read value from internal latch A transistor M1 gate Gate=0: open Gate=1: close

Port 0 with Pull-Up Resistors DS5000 8751 8951 Vcc 10 K Port 0

Port 3 Alternate Functions 17 RD P3.7 16 WR P3.6 15 T1 P3.5 14 T0 P3.4 13 INT1 P3.3 12 INT0 P3.2 11 TxD P3.1 10 RxD P3.0 Pin Function P3 Bit

RESET Value of Some 8051 Registers PC 0000 ACC 00 B 00 PSW 00 SP 07 DPTR 0000 RAM are all zero.

Memory mapping in 8051 ROM memory map in 8051 family 4k 8k 32k 0000H 0FFFH 1FFFH 7FFFH 8751 AT89C51 8752 AT89C52 4k 8k 32k DS5000-32 from Atmel Corporation from Dallas Semiconductor

Some 8-bit Registers of the 8051 A B R0 R1 R3 R4 R2 R5 R7 R6 DPH DPL PC DPTR Some 8051 16-bit Register Some 8-bit Registers of the 8051

RAM memory space allocation in the 8051 7FH 30H 2FH 20H 1FH 17H 10H 0FH 07H 08H 18H 00H Register Bank 0 (Stack) Register Bank 1 Register Bank 2 Register Bank 3 Bit-Addressable RAM Scratch pad RAM

Bit-Addressable RAM

8051 Flag bits and the PSW register CY AC F0 RS1 OV RS0 P -- CY PSW.7 Carry flag AC PSW.6 Auxiliary carry flag -- PSW.5 Available to the user for general purpose RS1 PSW.4 Register Bank selector bit 1 RS0 PSW.3 Register Bank selector bit 0 OV PSW.2 Overflow flag -- PSW.1 User define bit P PSW.0 Parity flag Set/Reset odd/even parity RS1 RS0 Register Bank Address 0 0 0 00H-07H 0 1 1 08H-0FH 1 0 2 10H-17H 1 1 3 18H-1FH

Stack in the 8051 The register used to access the stack is called SP (stack pointer) register. The stack pointer in the 8051 is only 8 bits wide, which means that it can take value 00 to FFH. When 8051 powered up, the SP register contains value 07. 7FH 30H 2FH 20H 1FH 17H 10H 0FH 07H 08H 18H 00H Register Bank 0 (Stack) Register Bank 1 Register Bank 2 Register Bank 3 Bit-Addressable RAM Scratch pad RAM

Start SP=07H 25 SP=08H 12 25 SP=09H F3 12 25 SP=0AH 0BH 0AH 09H 08H Start SP=07H 25 0BH 0AH 09H 08H SP=08H 12 25 0BH 0AH 09H 08H SP=09H F3 12 25 0BH 0AH 09H 08H SP=0AH Example of STACK operation: MOV R6,#25H MOV R1,#12H MOV R4,#0F3H PUSH 6 PUSH 1 PUSH 4

Immediate Register Direct Register Indirect Indexed Addressing Modes Immediate Register Direct Register Indirect Indexed

Immediate Addressing Mode. MOV. A,#65H. MOV. A,#’A’. MOV. R6,#65H. MOV Immediate Addressing Mode MOV A,#65H MOV A,#’A’ MOV R6,#65H MOV DPTR,#2343H MOV P1,#65H

Register Addressing Mode MOV. Rn, A. ;n=0,. ,7 ADD. A, Rn MOV Register Addressing Mode MOV Rn, A ;n=0,..,7 ADD A, Rn MOV DPL, R6 MOV DPTR, A MOV Rm, Rn

Direct Addressing Mode Direct Addressing Mode Although the entire of 128 bytes of RAM can be accessed using direct addressing mode, it is most often used to access RAM loc. 30 – 7FH. MOV R0, 40H MOV 56H, A MOV A, 4 ; ≡ MOV A, R4 MOV 6, 2 ; copy R2 to R6 ; MOV R6,R2 is invalid ! SFR register and their address MOV 0E0H, #66H ; ≡ MOV A,#66H MOV 0F0H, R2 ; ≡ MOV B, R2 MOV 80H,A ; ≡ MOV P1,A

Register Indirect Addressing Mode In this mode, register is used as a pointer to the data. MOV A,@Ri ; move content of RAM loc. Where address is held by Ri into A ( i=0 or 1 ) MOV @R1,B In other word, the content of register R0 or R1 is sources or target in MOV, ADD and SUBB instructions. Example: Write a program to copy a block of 10 bytes from RAM location starting at 40H to RAM location starting at 60H. Solution: MOV R0,#40H ; source pointer MOV R1,#60H ; destination pointer MOV R2,#10 ; counter BACK: MOV A,@R0 MOV @R1,A INC R0 INC R1 DJNZ R2,BACK

Indexed Addressing Mode And On-Chip ROM Access This mode is widely used in accessing data elements of look-up table entries located in the program (code) space ROM at the 8051 MOVC A,@A+DPTR A= content of address A +DPTR from ROM Note: Because the data elements are stored in the program (code ) space ROM of the 8051, it uses the instruction MOVC instead of MOV. The “C” means code.

SJMP and LJMP: LJMP(long jump). LJMP is an unconditional jump SJMP and LJMP: LJMP(long jump) LJMP is an unconditional jump. It is a 3-byte instruction in which the first byte is the op-code, and the second and third bytes represent the 16-bit address of the target location. The 20byte target address allows a jump to any memory location from 0000 to FFFFH. SJMP(short jump) In this 2-byte instruction. The first byte is the op-code and the second byte is the relative address of the target location. The relative address range of 00-FFH is divided into forward and backward jumps, that is , within -128 to +127 bytes of memory relative to the address of the current PC.

MUL & DIV MUL AB ;B|A = A*B MOV A,#25H MOV B,#65H MUL AB ;25H*65H=0E99 ;B=0EH, A=99H DIV AB ;A = A/B, B = A mod B MOV A,#25H MOV B,#10H DIV AB ;A=2, B=5


8051 INSTRUCTION SET ACALL: Absolute Call ADD, ADDC: Add Acc. (With Carry) AJMP: Absolute Jump ANL: Bitwise AND CJNE: Compare & Jump if Not Equal CLR: Clear Register CPL: Complement Register DA: Decimal Adjust DEC: Decrement Register DIV: Divide Accumulator by B DJNZ: Dec. Reg. & Jump if Not Zero INC: Increment Register JB: Jump if Bit Set JBC: Jump if Bit Set and Clear Bit JC: Jump if Carry Set JMP: Jump to Address JNB: Jump if Bit Not Set JNC: Jump if Carry Not Set JNZ: Jump if Acc. Not Zero JZ: Jump if Accumulator Zero LCALL: Long Call LJMP: Long Jump MOV: Move Memory MOVC: Move Code Memory MOVX: Move Extended Memory MUL: Multiply Accumulator by B NOP: No Operation ORL: Bitwise OR POP: Pop Value From Stack PUSH: Push Value Onto Stack RET: Return From Subroutine RETI: Return From Interrupt RL: Rotate Accumulator Left RLC: Rotate Acc. Left Through Carry RR: Rotate Accumulator Right RRC: Rotate Acc. Right Through Carry SETB: Set Bit SJMP: Short Jump SUBB: Sub. From Acc. With Borrow SWAP: Swap Accumulator Nibbles XCH: Exchange Bytes XCHD: Exchange Digits XRL: Bitwise Exclusive OR Undefined: Undefined Instruction 8051 INSTRUCTION SET

Arithmetic instructions: ADD A,Rn ADD A,Direct ADD A,@Ri ADD A,#Data ADDC A,Rn SUBB A, Direct SUBB A,@Ri SUBB A,#Data INC A INC Rn INC Direct INC @Ri DEC A DEC Rn Arithmetic instructions: ADDC A, Direct ADDC A,@Ri ADDC A,#Data SUBB A,Rn

Arithmetic instructions: DEC Direct DEC @Ri INC DPTR MUL AB DIV AB DA A Arithmetic instructions:

Logical instructions: ANL A,Rn ANL A,Direct ANL A,@Ri ANL A,#Data ANL Direct,A ANL Direct,#Data ORL A,Rn ORL A,Direct ORL A,@Ri ORL A,#Data ORL Direct,A ORL Direct,#Data XRL A,Rn XRL A,Direct XRL A,@Ri XRL A,#Data XRL Direct,A XRL Direct,#Data Logical instructions:

Logical instructions: CLR A CPL A RL A RLC A RR A RRC A SWAP A Logical instructions:

Data transfer instructions: MOV A,Rn MOV A, Direct MOV A,@Ri MOV A,#Data MOV Rn,A MOV Rn,Direct MOV Rn,#Data MOV Direct,A MOV Direct, Rn MOV Direct, Direct MOV Direct,@Ri MOV Direct,#Data MOV @Ri,A MOV @Ri,Direct MOV @Ri,#Data MOV DPTR,#Data16 MOVX A,@Ri MOVX A,@DPTR Data transfer instructions:

Data transfer instructions: PUSH Direct POP Direct XCH A,Rn XCH A, Direct XCH A,@Ri XCHD A,@Ri MOVX @Ri,A MOV @DPTR,A Data transfer instructions:

Boolean Variable Manipulation instructions: CLR C CLR bit SETB C SETB bit CPL C CPL bit ANL C,bit ANL C,/bit ORL C,bit ORL C,/bit MOV C,bit MOV bit,C JC rel JNC rel JB bit,rel JNB bit,rel JBC bit,rel Boolean Variable Manipulation instructions:

Program branching instructions: ACALL addr11 LCALL addr16 RET RETI AJMP addr11 LJMP addr16 SJMP rel JMP @A+DPTR JZ rel JNZ rel CJNE A,direct,rel CJNE A,#data,rel CJNE Rn,#data,rel CJNE @Ri,#data,rel DJNZ Rn,rel DJNZ direct,rel NOP Program branching instructions: