The Brain – “Nature’s Computer” The Nervous System The Brain – “Nature’s Computer”
Hypothesize: What factors might correlate to intelligence? The Brain – Intro. The typical brain weighs 1.4 kg (3 lbs) The largest recorded brain was measured at 2100 cc. The smallest 750 cc. There is no correlation of brain size to intelligence… Hypothesize: What factors might correlate to intelligence?
Brain – Structural Overview “brainstem”
Bonus: Identify the following brain features: gryi, sulci, fissures The Cerebrum Divided into a left and a right hemisphere Surface is highly folded and covered in neural cortex (grey matter) Involved with : conscious thought, sensation, intellect, memory, and complex movement Bonus: Identify the following brain features: gryi, sulci, fissures
The Cerebellum Second largest part of the brain Surface is covered by the cerebellar cortex (more grey matter) Compares arriving sensations to previously experienced sensations
Diencephalon Contains thalamus which relays and process sensory information Below the thalamus, is the hypothalamus. This is involved with emotions, hormone production, and autonomic function
Brain Stem Mesencephalon – “midbrain”: contain nuclei that process visual and auditory information and control reflexes Pons – “bridge” : connects cerebellum to brain stem, involved with motor control Medulla oblongata – contain major centers that regulate heart rate, blood pressure, digestion (VITAL)
Ventricles of the Brain Ventricles – chambers that form when the brain develop. They are filled with CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) There are four ventricles in the brain: two in the cerebrum, one in the diencephalon, and one in the brain stem/cerebrum area