OCC Foundation: From Donations to Scholarships … learn how the Foundation Provides Opportunities for Both Donors and Students
Brief History Formed in 1985 Raised over $110 Million in Cash, Grants, and In-Kind Donations Cash Assets of over $23 Million Provided more than $600K Scholarships in 2018-2019 School Year
Who are our Donors? Current and former faculty, staff and administration Parents, grandparents, guardians of current and past OCC students Businesses and corporations hiring OCC students Family and Corporate Foundations
Some of the Projects…
How Can You Become a Donor? Online donation: Start a scholarship: Questions on directing donation to program, team, department, supplies: rkinn@occ.cccd.edu Connect a donor - business - foundation to the OCC foundation: dbennett@cccd.edu or eparker@occ.cccd.edu
Scholarship Opportunities Over $500K of different types of scholarships awarded annually for students attending OCC …. Many awarded to support students as they transfer to a 4-year college or university
Types of Scholarships… General scholarships Program or team specific scholarships Donor defined scholarships
The Process for Scholarships…. The General Application for 2019-2020 scholarships open mid-December online Applications are online: available on OCC Website
General Scholarships Continuing Student Transferring Student 3.5 GPA Cumulative 12 units with letter grades Minimum of 6 units spring 2020 3.0 GPA Transferring Student Cumulative units 42, 24 units at OCC Minimum of 6 units Spring 2020 3.0 GPA Not previously applied as transfer student
The Process for Other Scholarships…. Criteria not standardized Most do not need to have 3.5 GPA Must still apply with online General Scholarship application Some ‘odd’ questions on the General Form relate directly to these ‘other scholarships’
Additional Hints… If have questions, ask faculty member of the program or team about scholarships in Fall Do not wait until the final day to gather letters of recommendations or apply Get involved on campus, many awards tied to giving back to the OCC community
More Tips…. If awarded a scholarship, you may want to check with Financial Aid counselor to see if it affects awarded amount, or change the cost of attendance Scholarship Office is here to help, contact them with questions: scholarshipoffice@occ.cccd.edu or call 714-432-5645
Honor’s Night
Exists to Support Students