BUDGET PRESENTATION FY 2018 Jeff Kubick, Chair, Groton-Dunstable School Committee Bill Ryan, Interim Superintendent April 25, 2017 11/8/2019
School Committee Budgetary Guidance Level Services Budget (3.0-3.5%) Maintain FY17 Programs and Staffing Prioritize: Professional Development Achievement Gap Emergency and technology capital Incorporate FY17 staffing costs funded by one-time revenues Maintain class sizes between 15-25 students Articulate Needs Assessment priorities for possible inclusion
The Timeline Budgetary guidance established by School Committee (Oct) Administrators submit requests in line with guidance (Nov) Projections and enrollment data provided to School Committee and towns (Nov) Reviewed budget requests with Principals/Directors (Dec) State aid and fee schedule estimates received (Jan/Feb) Superintendent’s budget released (Feb) Open public hearing (Feb) Budget deliberations (Feb/Mar) School Committee Budget adoption (Mar) Assessments revised based on cost savings (Apr)
A Collaborative & Thorough Process Discussed projections with Town Manager and Town Administrator Held multiple meetings with Boards of Selectmen and Finance Committees to share information about the budget process Reviewed each account with Business and Finance Office Received, reviewed, and discussed state aid estimates with appropriate state and MASS (Superintendents) officials. Discussed projected assessments with Business & Finance Subcommittee as well as the School Committee on a regular basis
Budget Comparison FY 17 $38,210,905 FY 18 $39,425,831 Difference $1,214,926 Percent +3.18%
FY 2017-18 Budget Summary FY18: Budget $39,425,831 Increase: $1,214,926 Increase: 3.18 %
The major Budget increases & decreases Salaries Negotiated $175,000 Benefits/Insurance $587,000 School Choice/Charter $118,000 External Oper. Review $ 80,000 Capital Projects $265,000 Top Priorities of Needs Assmt. $237,503 1 Adjustment Counselor, 1 Network Tech, 2 Library Media Specialists, 1.5 Reading Specialists, 1 ELL Teacher 1 Special Ed Teacher Boutwell Funded by revolving account Debt Service <$102,141> Utilities <$105,637> The major Budget increases & decreases
Proposed FY18 Staffing Changes New positions: FTE ELL Teacher 1.0 SPED Teacher (Boutwell)* 1.0 Network Tech 1.0 Adjustment Counselor 1.0 Reading Specialist 1.5 Library Media Specialist Elementary 2.0 Sub-total 7.5 Reductions/Reorganizations: Regular/SPED Teachers 2.8 Computer Specialist Paraprofessionals 2.0 Reading Tutor 1.4 Sub-total 6.2 Net difference +1.3 *Funded from Revolving Account 11/8/2019
Class Size Review 10/01/2016 Ranges of Average class sizes: class size: Elementary 17-23 20 Middle Schools 14-53* 21 High School 4-37 20 *8th Grade chorus section has 53 students
Capital Costs Roof Top Units at Boutwell $ 60,000 Building & Grounds Updates at Flo Ro $100,000 Replace HS HVAC Equipment $ 50,000 Technology Internet Upgrade * $ 55,000 Total Capital Projects $265,000 *Actual Cost $110,000 estimated Erate reimbursement $55,000
State Aid Is Flat 11/8/2019 FY18 Change Chapter 70 +$47,700 Transportation +$ 1,386 Charter Reimbursements +$ 3,723 Total New State Aid +$52,809 While State aid is rising at only .45%, budget costs have increased by 3.18%. 11/8/2019
Use of Excess & Deficiency Account Certified Balance as of July 1, 2016 $1,065,791 Anticipated use in FY18 Budget $ 100,000 Projected Balance $ 965,791 E&D as a Percentage of Budget 2.5% 11/8/2019
Foundation Enrollment & Assessment Change to Dunstable Enrollments as of October 1 FY17 FY18 Change Dunstable 533 546 13 (0.5%) Groton 1,847 1,839 -8 District Total 2,380 2,385 5 Financial Impact of Enrollment Change to Dunstable $158,000 11/8/2019
FY 18 Assessment W/O Debt including Capital Projects Groton Dunstable Operating $ 18,784,670 $ 5,549,036 Warrant Articles $ 233,056 $ 31,944 Totals $ 19,017,726 $ 5,580,980 Diff. From FY17 $ 654,161 $ 336,004 Town Guideline $ 750,000 $ 223,000 Difference <$ 95,839> +$113,004 Groton Dunstable Operating $18,805,323 $5,555,336 Capital Projects $233,067 $31,933 Totals (W/O Debt) $19,038,390 $5,587,269 Diff. From FY17 $675,405 $342,293 Town Guideline $750,000 $223,000 Difference ($74,595) $119,293 11/8/2019
Thank You Questions? 11/8/2019