Motorcycle Accident Procedure Robert “ Truper” Wilson Chairman, Central Frontier Arkansas State Trooper
At the scene of an accident remember to S-O-L-D-I-E-R UP
Soldier Safety Stop in a safe location clear of accident scene and roadway. Park your vehicle in a location where it will keep the accident scene clear for emergency vehicles. Park your vehicle in a safe location that would prevent another crash. Activate your emergency flashers or hazard lights on your vehicle. Wear reflective or high visibility clothing if available.
SOldier Observation Be observant for any danger before approaching accident scene. You can’t help a fellow Soldier or biker if you get injured. Make sure it’s safe before you approach. Look for any signs of smoke, fire, spilled fuel, down electrical lines, etc.
SoLdier Law Enforcement Call 911 before getting involved with assisting victim. Life and death at a motorcycle accident scene can come down to just seconds. Make sure you call 911 or delegate someone to get Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in route to the crash scene. Be clear and specific if you delegate someone to call 911. Saying “somebody call 911” will often result in nobody calling 911.
SolDier Descriptive While talking with 911, provide clear descriptive details of the location of the motorcycle accident scene. How many people are injured and severity if known. Any signs of a danger such as fire, spilled fuel, etc. Indicate if the roadway is blocked by crashed vehicles.
SoldIer Involve (Get Involved) Attend to downed biker if you’re first on scene or if you have medical training. Ask for help from others who may arrive on accident scene. Check for a pulse, signs of breathing or problems with breathing. Talk to victim and determine if they respond to auditory stimuli or not. DON’T move the victim unless they’re in life-threatening danger or you’re a trained medical professional. Don’t remove helmet, this could aggravate victims’ condition. You may open their visor to make it easier to communicate and so they feel less claustrophobic. Provide first aid or seek to have someone administer first aid by using an emergency medical kit.
SoldiEr Enclose Document names and phone numbers of witnesses, make notes of statements made by victim, take photos and provide all information to law enforcement. Enclose or secure accident scene by making sure as much as possible all vehicle debris is left in place where it is. To a trained investigator debris fields can offer precious information that may prove to be key elements in the accident investigation.
SoldieR Report Report all findings to include names of witnesses, victim statements, and photos taken to law enforcement. Report incident up the chain to your chapter president, so it may be forwarded up to the Frontier and National executive staffs.
Suggested Items for First Aid/Medical Kit Conforming Stretch Gauze/Gauge Pad. Protective Nitrile Gloves Combat Application Tourniquet C-A-T.
Good Samaritan Laws by State Research your states Good Samaritan Law for specific details.