I CAN: Add and subtract within 20. Compare numbers to tell which are greater than, less than or equal to other number Skip count by 5’s. Week 10, Days 2 & 4
1st Grade Word Problem – Week 10, Day 2 Name: _______________________________
Seashells 1st Grade Word Problem – Week 10, Day 4 Name: _______________________________ Ally had 17 shells in her collection. Joy had 14 shells in her collection. Which girl had a greater number of shells? Circle True or False for the statements below. Joy has a greater number of shells than Ally. True False Ally has a greater number of shells than Joy. True False Joy has less shells than Ally. Ally’s Shells Joy’s Shells
Grading Sheet – Week 10 Addition/Subtraction 1-20, Comparing Numbers, Skip Counting by 5’s Skip Counts by Fives (starting at 0, 5, 10, or 15) Completes Weekly Project Appropriately Adds within 20 (using manipulative) Subtracts within 20 (using manipulative) Recognizes Less/Greater Than Symbols Answers Word Problems Correctly Compares Numbers within 20 Correctly