Exhibit 7.18 Among Covered Workers With a Separate Per Person General Annual Health Plan Deductible for Family Coverage, Structure of Deductible Limits, By Plan Type, 2015 NOTE: Average general annual health plan deductibles for PPOs, POS plans, and HDHP/SOs are for in-network services. The survey distinguishes between plans that have an aggregate family deductible that applies to spending by any covered person in the family or a separate family deductible that applies to spending by each family member or a limited number of family members. Beginning in 2012, the survey’s skip logic was edited so that firms who selected a separate family deductible were asked if they had a combined limit or if the limit was considered met when a specified number of family members reached their separate per-person limit. The “other” category refers to workers that have another type of limit on per-person deductibles, such as a per-person amount with a total dollar cap. SOURCE: Kaiser/HRET Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits, 2015.