Tidewater Lt. Governor Sarah Sakany Treasurer Workshop Tidewater Lt. Governor Sarah Sakany
Responsibilities Collect and record member dues MUC Request funds from student government/administration Maintain relationship with sponsoring Kiwanis club Maintain accurate financial records Inform club of financial strengths and weaknesses Actively communicate with district secretary-treasurer Sec-treas@cdcki.org
Dues International Club Fee- Annual District Club Fee Deadlines Two-year institutions: $250 Four-year institutions < 5,000 students: $450 Four-year institutions > 5,000 students: $600 District Club Fee $10 per member Deadlines October 1st: Dues payable November 1st: Early Bird deadline December 1st: Regular deadline February 1st: $100 Late fee applied
How to Submit Dues Insert video of MUC here
Ways to Pay Split the cost: combine international, district, and club fees and divide by number of anticipated members Kiwanis sponsorship: ask your sponsoring Kiwanis club if they would be willing to contribute to your club’s fees Student government: check into your institution’s student organization funding policies Request money early!
Budget Insert sample budget here
Sources of Income Dues Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Student government Fundraisers Set goals Use local sponsors Create a planning committee Look into other schools’ ideas
Tips:Maintaining the Budget Use Excel to record all transactions Add sheets for each account Separate sections for each charity you fundraise for Add notes with date Use checks or debit, not cash Deposit cash immediately Always issue receipts for dues, fundraiser proceeds, etc. Require receipts and expense reimbursements for officers Limit access to checks- typically treasurer and president