Welcome to Year 3
Year 3 staff: Teacher: Mrs Wiles Teaching assistants: Mrs Heaps Mrs Tattersall Mrs Orchard
Weekly Timetable
Homework is given out on weekly basis Homework is given out on weekly basis. It will be sent out on a Wednesday and needs to be handed back in the following Monday. It will alternate between Maths and English as well as spellings and times tables. Children will have the spellings and times tables test on a Monday afternoon. Any spellings children get wrong will be highlighted in their homework books so these can be practised further. Presentation of homework should be the same standard as expected in school. Homework helper section on the school website.
Spellings: Children will have 10 set spellings each week to learn. They must learn these as part of their homework. Children will have a challenge at the bottom of their spelling sheet and this should be completed too. This will help children recognise patterns and use their spellings in context. Children will only have 10 words available to learn each week but if you would like a half termly overview of the words, I can send these home too.
Reading: Reading is a very important part of education. Children are encouraged to read as often as they can at home. When they finish a book, children can bring this in to be changed straight away and one of the adults in the classroom will record this. Please ensure reading books are in school daily as children will be heard read throughout the week. This will be recorded in their reading records. Children will have new reading records this year. They should be aiming to change their books at least once a week. Please continue to ask your child questions on what they are reading as this will help with their comprehension skills.
PE PE kits are to be kept in school. Please pack a spare pair of socks in PE bags, especially if your child usually wears tights. Now children are in the juniors, they can wear trainers instead of pumps for PE lessons.
Class Dojo Class Dojo will replace the green card system this year. Children can be awarded these for a number of reasons. Each child has their own dojo monster that keeps score of their points. 25 = Bronze 50 = Silver 100 = Gold
Our year ahead…. Curriculum map on the school website.