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Presentation transcript:

Intro slide left on while waiting for the class to settle.

Individual Organisations 5-10 min intro (slide 12 and 13) In our last lesson we looked at how you could get involved as an individual to change your community. There are also organisations that go out of their way to help others. Today we’ll be looking at several of these organizations in South Africa. But before we get started, lets have a look at some important terms we need to understand. Individual Organisations

NON- PROFIT ORGANISATION (NPO) This organisation exists for educational or charitable reasons. Any money made goes to paying the daily expenses of this organisation. NON- GOVERNMENT ORGANISATION (NGO) An NGO is a non-profit voluntary organisation. Not all NGOS are charities but most of them rely on donations and volunteers to get work done. CHARITIES This is an organisation that exists to help raise money for those in need. All charities are NGO’s becaues they raise money to carry out activities without government help. Max 10min: Allow time for learners to write defenitions in their books.

Case Study 1: Recycle SWOP SHOP (10min per case study) For the next 2 organisations, learners will complete their CASE STUDY worksheet. Allow time between each case study to reflect and answer questions. Discuss the answers while working through the case study. (remember give time for learners to problem solve before giving the answer) CASE STUDY 1: Visit the website for the recycles swop shop. And scroll through the following. Read through where necessary to explain. Read the mission statement by clicking on the home icon- give learners time to answer question (3min) View Animation (5min)- you might need to play this animation more than once. Click on the community icon- give learners time to answer question (2min)

Case Study 2: (10min per case study) Case Study 2: You can visit the website at: Scroll through the following. Read through where necessary to explain. Read the „we are aware’ section of the mission statement by clicking on the home icon- give learners time to answer question (2min) The information reads: is registered as a non-profit organisation (NPO) with the Department of Social Development. Our focus is on preventing the negative consequences of alcohol abuse. 2) Hover the icon over OUR FOCUS and leave (2min for learners to write.) 3) Scroll down further and read out the It starts today progrgamme- (3min for learners to write.) 4) Hover the mouse icon over PROGRAMME and click on underage drinking- give learners time to answer question (3min)

Some interesting volunteer opportunities.. Encourage learners to go and take a look for homework how you could volunteer as a teenager overseas OR in South Africa ttps://

How can you help? How? Where? When? 10-15min Lets recap how you can get involved. Remember from lesson 1 you were required to answer the following questions: What I enjoy doing? What I’m good at doing? The skills I have to offer? The time I have to offer? Based on those questions you had to come up with 5 things you could do to change the lives of the peoplein your community. Now, take out those ideas you came up with last lesson and see if you can now add another 5 ideas to that list. Your poster that you are creating for the next lesson will now have 10 ideas on how you can get involved. Today I want you to not only say HOW you can get involved ? But also WHERE you can get involved and then WHEN you would do it? You have the remainder of this lesson to work on your poster. Bring your poster complete to class the next lesson. As a class we’ll choose the top 5 posters to stay up for the rest of the term.