Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2014: Germany
Basic Broadband for all by 2013 Source: IHS and VVA
At least 30 Mbps for all by 2020 Source: IHS and VVA
Broadband take-up Source: Eurostat
Share of High-speed Broadband Subscriptions Source: Communications Committee
50% of households taking up ultra-fast broadband (at least 100Mbps) Source: Communications Committee
15% of citizens having never used the Internet Source: Eurostat
Source: Commission services based on Eurostat Labour Force Survey 2012 Digital Skills Source: Commission services based on Eurostat Labour Force Survey 2012
20% of the population buying Online cross-border Source: Eurostat
33% of SMEs selling on-line Source: Eurostat
50% of population using eGovernment Source: Eurostat
100% increase in ICT R&D public spending **R&D intensity: Business R&D expenditures as a percentage of the value added