Hesters way partnership ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS
Eco projects Solar Panels Wind Turbine Eco lighting Tree Planting
Solar panels A government funded project gives us an income from the Feed In Tariff The FiT ended in March 2019 PV systems are still worthwhile if your building is facing the right way! Payback rates are reportedly between 7 and 9 years Recommended
Wind turbine We put up a wind turbine in Springfield Park with some government funding Probably only half as effective as the PV project in output and with more maintenance… Wind turbine yield is proportional to the area the blades cover – it’s the radius squared that counts so the bigger the better Not recommended – unless you’re on top of a hill!
LED lighting We installed LED lights in the Community Centres with support from a government grant Severn Wye Energy Agency did a survey of the buildings and advised on green adaptions They also helped us source the funding ! Recommended!
Tree Planting We’ve planted about 700 trees in the last 10 years Could you; work with the Borough Council in your local park? raise funds for tree planting? set up a project with local partners Recommended!
Green energy Change your business to a green supplier or green tariff Turn down your thermostat Turn off equipment when not in use Change your light bulbs to LEDs Fit motion sensors / timers Use natural light Change to LED TVs Insulate the roof and walls
Culture change Walk or cycle to work Car share Reduce reuse recycle Eat less meat Buy local Fly less Use less water / fit a water butt Lobby your MP / Council